Stanley G. Harris
Stanley G. Harris
Luck Professor Emeritus of Management, Auburn University
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Creating readiness for organizational change
AA Armenakis, SG Harris, KW Mossholder
Human relations 46 (6), 681-703, 1993
Readiness for organizational change: The systematic development of a scale
DT Holt, AA Armenakis, HS Feild, SG Harris
The Journal of applied behavioral science 43 (2), 232-255, 2007
Crafting a change message to create transformational readiness
AA Armenakis, SG Harris
Journal of organizational change management 15 (2), 169-183, 2002
Organizational culture and effectiveness: A study of values, attitudes, and organizational outcomes
BT Gregory, SG Harris, AA Armenakis, CL Shook
Journal of business research 62 (7), 673-679, 2009
Reflections: Our journey in organizational change research and practice
AA Armenakis, SG Harris
Journal of change management 9 (2), 127-142, 2009
Organizational culture and individual sensemaking: A schema-based perspective
SG Harris
Organization science 5 (3), 309-321, 1994
Functions of parting ceremonies in dying organizations
SG Harris, RI Sutton
Academy of Management journal 29 (1), 5-30, 1986
Making change permanent A model for institutionalizing change interventions
AA Armenakis, SG Harris, HS Feild
Research in organizational change and development 12, 97-128, 2000
The affective implications of perceived congruence with culture dimensions during organizational transformation
SG Harris, KW Mossholder
Journal of management 22 (4), 527-547, 1996
The workplace social exchange network: A multilevel, conceptual examination
MS Cole, WS Schaninger Jr, SG Harris
Group & Organization Management 27 (1), 142-167, 2002
Student learning motivation and psychological hardiness: Interactive effects on students' reactions to a management class
MS Cole, HS Feild, SG Harris
Academy of Management Learning & Education 3 (1), 64-85, 2004
Toward a comprehensive definition of readiness for change: A review of research and instrumentation
DT Holt, AA Armenakis, SG Harris, HS Feild
Research in organizational change and development 16, 289-336, 2007
Work‐life benefits and positive organizational behavior: is there a connection?
L Muse, SG Harris, WF Giles, HS Feild
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2008
Has the inverted-U theory of stress and job performance had a fair test?
LA Muse, SG Harris, HS Feild
Human Performance 16 (4), 349-364, 2003
Paradigms in organizational change: Change agent and change target perspectives
AA Armenakis, SG Harris, HS Feild
Public Administration and Public Policy 87, 631-658, 2001
Vision salience and strategic involvement: Implications for psychological attachment to organization and job
SL Oswald, KW Mossholder, SG Harris
Strategic Management Journal 15 (6), 477-489, 1994
Emotion during organizational transformations: An interactive model of survivor reactions
KW Mossholder, RP Settoon, AA Armenakis, SG Harris
Group & Organization Management 25 (3), 220-243, 2000
Change fatigue: Development and initial validation of a new measure
JB Bernerth, HJ Walker, SG Harris
Work & Stress 25 (4), 321-337, 2011
Exploring the implications of vision, appropriateness, and execution of organizational change
MS Cole, SG Harris, JB Bernerth
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 27 (5), 352-367, 2006
Recruiters’ inferences of applicant personality based on resume screening: do paper people have a personality?
MS Cole, HS Feild, WF Giles, SG Harris
Journal of Business and Psychology 24, 5-18, 2009
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