Andrea Fildani
Andrea Fildani
The Deep Time Institute
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Environmental signal propagation in sedimentary systems across timescales
BW Romans, S Castelltort, JA Covault, A Fildani, JP Walsh
Earth-Science Reviews 153, 7-29, 2016
Architecture of turbidite channel systems on the continental slope: patterns and predictions
T McHargue, MJ Pyrcz, MD Sullivan, JD Clark, A Fildani, BW Romans, ...
Marine and petroleum geology 28 (3), 728-743, 2011
Channel formation by flow stripping: Large‐scale scour features along the Monterey East Channel and their relation to sediment waves
A Fildani, WR Normark, S Kostic, G Parker
Sedimentology 53 (6), 1265-1287, 2006
Initiation of the Magallanes foreland basin: Timing of the southernmost Patagonian Andes orogeny revised by detrital zircon provenance analysis
A Fildani, TD Cope, SA Graham, JL Wooden
Geology 31 (12), 1081-1084, 2003
Stratigraphic record across a retroarc basin inversion: Rocas Verdes–Magallanes basin, Patagonian Andes, Chile
A Fildani, AM Hessler
Geological Society of America Bulletin 117 (11-12), 1596-1614, 2005
Kinematic evolution of the Patagonian retroarc fold-and-thrust belt and Magallanes foreland basin, Chile and Argentina, 51 30′ S
JC Fosdick, BW Romans, A Fildani, A Bernhardt, M Calderón, SA Graham
Bulletin 123 (9-10), 1679-1698, 2011
Intrinsic controls on the range of volumes, morphologies, and dimensions of submarine lobes
A Prelat, JA Covault, DM Hodgson, A Fildani, SS Flint
Sedimentary Geology 232 (1-2), 66-76, 2010
Late Paleozoic sedimentation on the northern margin of the North China block: implications for regional tectonics and climate change
T Cope, BD Ritts, BJ Darby, A Fildani, SA Graham
International Geology Review 47 (3), 270-296, 2005
Late Jurassic bimodal magmatism in the northern sea-floor remnant of the Rocas Verdes basin, southern Patagonian Andes
M Calderon, A Fildani, F Hervé, CM Fanning, A Weislogel, U Cordani
Journal of the Geological Society 164 (5), 1011-1022, 2007
Evolution of deep-water stratigraphic architecture, Magallanes Basin, Chile
BW Romans, A Fildani, SM Hubbard, JA Covault, JC Fosdick, SA Graham
Marine and Petroleum Geology 28 (3), 612-628, 2011
Sediment transfer and deposition in slope channels: Deciphering the record of enigmatic deep-sea processes from outcrop
SM Hubbard, JA Covault, A Fildani, BW Romans
Bulletin 126 (5-6), 857-871, 2014
High-relief slope clinoform development: insights from outcrop, Magallanes Basin, Chile
SM Hubbard, A Fildani, BW Romans, JA Covault, TR McHargue
Journal of Sedimentary Research 80 (5), 357-375, 2010
Submarine channel initiation, filling and maintenance from sea‐floor geomorphology and morphodynamic modelling of cyclic steps
JA Covault, S Kostic, CK Paull, HF Ryan, A Fildani
Sedimentology 61 (4), 1031-1054, 2014
Erosion at inception of deep-sea channels
A Fildani, SM Hubbard, JA Covault, KL Maier, BW Romans, M Traer, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 41, 48-61, 2013
Cyclic steps and related supercritical bedforms: building blocks of deep-water depositional systems, western North America
JA Covault, S Kostic, CK Paull, Z Sylvester, A Fildani
Marine Geology 393, 4-20, 2017
Importance of predecessor basin history on sedimentary fill of a retroarc foreland basin: provenance analysis of the Cretaceous Magallanes basin, Chile (50–52 S)
BW Romans, A Fildani, SA Graham, SM Hubbard, JA Covault
Basin Research 22 (5), 640-658, 2010
Terrestrial source to deep-sea sink sediment budgets at high and low sea levels: Insights from tectonically active Southern California
JA Covault, BW Romans, SA Graham, A Fildani, GE Hilley
Geology 39 (7), 619-622, 2011
U-Pb zircon ages from the southwestern Karoo Basin, South Africa—Implications for the Permian-Triassic boundary
A Fildani, A Weislogel, NJ Drinkwater, T McHargue, A Tankard, J Wooden, ...
Geology 37 (8), 719-722, 2009
Late Quaternary evolution of channel and lobe complexes of Monterey Fan
A Fildani, WR Normark
Marine Geology 206 (1-4), 199-223, 2004
Rapid climatic signal propagation from source to sink in a southern California sediment-routing system
JA Covault, BW Romans, A Fildani, M McGann, SA Graham
The Journal of Geology 118 (3), 247-259, 2010
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Articles 1–20