Pankaj Bhargava
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Investigating laser rapid manufacturing for Inconel-625 components
CP Paul, P Ganesh, SK Mishra, P Bhargava, JA Negi, AK Nath
Optics & Laser Technology 39 (4), 800-805, 2007
Direct laser cladding of Co on Ti–6Al–4V with a compositionally graded interface
JD Majumdar, I Manna, A Kumar, P Bhargava, AK Nath
Journal of materials processing technology 209 (5), 2237-2243, 2009
Epoxy-paint stripping using TEA CO2 laser: Determination of threshold fluence and the process parameters
M Kumar, P Bhargava, AK Biswas, S Sahu, V Mandloi, MO Ittoop, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 46 (2013), 29-36, 2013
Cobalt-free laser cladding on AISI type 316L stainless steel for improved cavitation and slurry erosion wear behavior
CP Paul, BK Gandhi, P Bhargava, DK Dwivedi, LM Kukreja
Journal of materials engineering and performance 23, 4463-4471, 2014
Laser rapid manufacturing: technology, applications, modeling and future prospects
CP Paul, P Bhargava, A Kumar, AK Pathak, LM Kukreja
Lasers in manufacturing, 1-67, 2013
A finer modeling approach for numerically predicting single track geometry in two dimensions during Laser Rapid Manufacturing
A Kumar, CP Paul, AK Pathak, P Bhargava, LM Kukreja
Optics & Laser Technology 44 (3), 555-565, 2012
Studies on laser rapid manufacturing of cross-thin-walled porous structures of Inconel 625
CP Paul, SK Mishra, CH Premsingh, P Bhargava, P Tiwari, LM Kukreja
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 61, 757-770, 2012
High-power transverse flow CW CO2 laser for material processing applications
AK Nath, T Reghu, CP Paul, MO Ittoop, P Bhargava
Optics & Laser Technology 37 (4), 329-335, 2005
An experimental investigation and analysis of PTAW process
S Mandal, S Kumar, P Bhargava, CH Premsingh, CP Paul, LM Kukreja
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 30 (9), 1131-1137, 2015
Assessment of changes in gait parameters and vertical ground reaction forces after total hip arthroplasty
P Bhargava, P Shrivastava, SP Nagariya
Indian journal of orthopaedics 41 (2), 158, 2007
Radiological and functional outcome in extra-articular fractures of lower end radius treated conservatively with respect to its position of immobilization
S Rajan, S Jain, A Ray, P Bhargava
Indian Journal of Orthopaedics 42 (2), 201, 2008
Study on weld bead surface profile and angular distortion in 6 mm thick butt weld joints of SS304 using fiber laser
P Bhargava, CP Paul, G Mundra, CH Premsingh, SK Mishra, D Nagpure, ...
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 53, 152-157, 2014
Studies on Tandem Rapid Manufacturing of Inconel-625 using Plasma Transferred Arc Deposition and Laser Rapid Manufacturing
P Bhargava, CP Paul, CH Premsingh, SK Mishra, LM Kukreja
Advances in Manufacturing,Vol 1,Issue 4,pp 305-313,Springer, 2013
Numerical Simulation of Laser Rapid Manufacturing of Multi-Layer Thin Wall Using Improved Mass Addition Approach
A Kumar, CP Paul, AS Padiyar, P Bhargava, G Mundra, LM Kukreja
Numerical Heat Transfer Part A : Applications, 2013
Numerical Simulation of Laser Rapid Manufacturing of Multi-Layer Thin Wall Using Improved Mass Addition Approach
A Kumar, CP Paul, AS Padiyar, P Bhargava, G Mundra, LM Kukreja
Numerical Heat Transfer Part A : Applications, 2012
Laser rapid manufacturing of bi-metallic tube with Stellite-21 and austenitic stainless steel
P Ganesh, R Kaul, S Mishra, P Bhargava, CP Paul, CP Singh, P Tiwari, ...
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 62, 169-174, 2009
Theoretical estimation and experimental studies on gas dissociation in TEA CO2 laser for long term arc free operation
M Kumar, AK Biswas, P Bhargav, T Reghu, S Sahu, JS Pakhare, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 52, 57-64, 2013
Effect of soaking, ensilage and hydrogen peroxide treatment of barley straw on rumen degradability
PK Bhargava, ER Ørskov, TK Walli
Animal Feed Science and Technology 22 (4), 295-303, 1989
Development of a 1 J short pulse tunable TEA CO2 laser with high energy stability
M Kumar, T Reghu, AK Biswas, P Bhargav, JS Pakhare, S Kumar, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 64, 64-71, 2014
Use of degradation curves in feed evaluation. 679
MR Weisbjerg, PK Bhargava, T Hvelplund, J Madsen
Beretning fra Statens Husdyrbrugsforsog (Report from the National Institute …, 1990
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Articles 1–20