Ramakrishna Gummadi
Ramakrishna Gummadi
Google, UC Berkeley
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Cited by
Oceanstore: An architecture for global-scale persistent storage
J Kubiatowicz, D Bindel, Y Chen, S Czerwinski, P Eaton, D Geels, ...
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 34 (5), 190-201, 2000
Adaptive RED: An algorithm for increasing the robustness of RED’s active queue management
S Floyd, R Gummadi, S Shenker
Technical report, ICSI 517, 518-522, 2001
The impact of DHT routing geometry on resilience and proximity
K Gummadi, R Gummadi, S Gribble, S Ratnasamy, S Shenker, I Stoica
Proceedings of the 2003 conference on Applications, technologies …, 2003
The Ninja architecture for robust Internet-scale systems and services
SD Gribble, M Welsh, R Von Behren, EA Brewer, D Culler, N Borisov, ...
Computer Networks 35 (4), 473-497, 2001
Interference-aware fair rate control in wireless sensor networks
S Rangwala, R Gummadi, R Govindan, K Psounis
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 36 (4), 63-74, 2006
Understanding and mitigating the impact of RF interference on 802.11 networks
R Gummadi, D Wetherall, B Greenstein, S Seshan
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 37 (4), 385-396, 2007
Macro-programming Wireless Sensor Networks Using Kairos
R Gummadi, O Gnawali, R Govindan
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: First IEEE International Conference …, 2005
11 user fingerprinting
J Pang, B Greenstein, R Gummadi, S Seshan, D Wetherall
Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Mobile …, 2007
IPNL: A NAT-extended internet architecture
P Francis, R Gummadi
Proceedings of the 2001 conference on Applications, technologies …, 2001
ICEBERG: An Internet core network architecture for integrated communications
HJ Wang, B Raman, C Chuah, R Biswas, R Gummadi, B Hohlt, X Hong, ...
IEEE Personal Communications 7 (4), 10-19, 2000
Determinating timing channels in compute clouds
A Aviram, S Hu, B Ford, R Gummadi
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Cloud computing security workshop …, 2010
Adaptive RED: An algorithm for increasing the robustness of RED
S Floyd
http://citeseer. nj. nec. com/floyd01adaptive. html, 2001
Not-a-Bot: Improving Service Availability in the Face of Botnet Attacks.
R Gummadi, H Balakrishnan, P Maniatis, S Ratnasamy
NSDI 9, 307-320, 2009
Reliable and efficient programming abstractions for wireless sensor networks
N Kothari, R Gummadi, T Millstein, R Govindan
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2007
Oceanstore: An extremely wide-area storage system
D Bindel, Y Chen, P Eaton, D Geels, R Gummadi, S Rhea, ...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Architectural Support for …, 2000
Relaying a fountain code across multiple nodes
R Gummadi, RS Sreenivas
2008 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 149-153, 2008
Tenet: An architecture for tiered embedded networks
R Govindan, E Kohler, D Estrin, F Bian, K Chintalapudi, O Gnawali, ...
Adaptive RED: an algorithm for increasing the robustness of RED’s active queue management, 2001
S Floyd, R Gummadi, S Shenker
Preprint,< http://www. icir. org/floyd/papers. html, 2019
Kairos: a macro-programming system for wireless sensor networks
R Gummadi, N Kothari, R Govindan, T Millstein
Proceedings of the twentieth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles, 1-2, 2005
Interference Avoidance and Control.
R Gummadi, RK Patra, H Balakrishnan, EA Brewer
HotNets, 13-18, 2008
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Articles 1–20