Shaun Rawolle
Cited by
Cited by
Globalizing policy sociology in education: working with Bourdieu
B Lingard, S Rawolle, S Taylor 1
Journal of education policy 20 (6), 759-777, 2005
Mediatizing educational policy: The journalistic field, science policy, and cross‐field effects
B Lingard*, S Rawolle
Journal of education policy 19 (3), 361-380, 2004
New scalar politics: Implications for education policy
B Lingard, S Rawolle
Comparative education 47 (4), 489-502, 2011
The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu and researching education policy
S Rawolle, B Lingard
Journal of education policy 23 (6), 729-741, 2008
Neoliberalism is not a theory of everything: a Bourdieuian analysis of illusio in educational research
J Rowlands, S Rawolle
Critical studies in education 54 (3), 260-272, 2013
Bourdieu and educational research: Thinking tools, relational thinking, beyond epistemological innocence
S Rawolle, B Lingard
Social theory and education research, 161-181, 2022
Cross‐field effects and temporary social fields: A case study of the mediatization of recent Australian knowledge economy policies
S Rawolle
Journal of education policy 20 (6), 705-724, 2005
Understanding the mediatisation of educational policy as practice
S Rawolle
Critical Studies in Education 51 (1), 21-39, 2010
Bourdieu and the study of educational policy: Introduction
B Lingard, S Taylor, S Rawolle
Journal of Education Policy 20 (6), 663-669, 2005
Higher vocational education and social mobility: educational participation in Australia and England
S Webb, AM Bathmaker, T Gale, S Hodge, S Parker, S Rawolle
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 69 (1), 147-167, 2017
26 Mediatization and education: a sociological account
S Rawolle, B Lingard
Mediatization of communication, 595-616, 2014
The implications of contractualism for the responsibilisation of higher education
S Rawolle, J Rowlands, J Blackmore
Discourse: Studies in the cultural politics of education 38 (1), 109-122, 2017
The mediatization of the knowledge based economy: An Australian field based account
S Rawolle, B Lingard
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 35 (3), 269-286, 2010
Globalization and the rescaling of education politics and policy: Implications for comparative education
B Lingard, S Rawolle
New Thinking in Comparative Education, 33-52, 2010
Bourdieu and doing policy sociology in education
S Rawolle, B Lingard
Education policy and contemporary theory, 15-26, 2015
Rescaling and reconstituting education policy: The knowledge economy and the scalar politics of global fields
B Lingard, S Rawolle
Re-Reading Education Policies, 205-219, 2009
Understanding equity as an asset to national interest: Developing a social contract analysis of policy
S Rawolle
Discourse: Studies in the cultural politics of education 34 (2), 231-244, 2013
Practice chains of production and consumption: mediatized practices across social fields
S Rawolle
Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education 31 (1), 121-135, 2010
VET Providers, Associate and Bachelor Degrees, and Disadvantaged Learners: Report to the National VET Equity Advisory Council (NVEAC), Australia.
T Gale, S Hodge, S Parker, S Rawolle, E Charlton, P Rodd, ...
Deakin University, 2013
Emotions in education policy: A social contract analysis of asymmetrical dyads and emotion
S Rawolle
Emotion and school: Understanding how the hidden curriculum influences …, 2013
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Articles 1–20