Vu Duong
Cited by
Cited by
Blackboard architectures and applications
V Jagannathan
Elsevier, 1989
Trajectory-based air traffic management (TB-ATM) under weather uncertainty
A Nilim, L El Ghaoui, M Hansen, V Duong
Proc. of the Fourth International Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar ATM 2 (4.3), 2001
Sector-less air traffic management: Initial investigations
V Duong, G Gawinowski, JP Nicolaon, HH Nguyen
Air Traffic Control Quarterly 10 (4), 379-393, 2002
A Machine Learning Approach for Conflict Resolution in Dense Traffic Scenarios with Uncertainties
DT Pham, NP Tran, S Alam, V Duong, D Delahaye
Europe/US Air Traffic Management Research & Development Seminar 2019, Vienna, 2019
An application of multi-agent coordination techniques in air traffic management
M Nguyen-Duc, JP Briot, A Drogoul, V Duong
IEEE/WIC International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 2003. IAT …, 2003
An interactive conflict solver for learning air traffic conflict resolutions
PN Tran, DT Pham, SK Goh, S Alam, V Duong
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 17 (6), 271-277, 2020
Optimized sectorization of airspace with constraints
H Trandac, P Baptiste, V Duong
Proc. of 5th Europe/USA ATM R&D Seminar, 2003
Conflict resolution advisory service in autonomous aircraft operations
VN Duong, EG Hoffman
16th DASC. AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference. Reflections to the …, 1997
3d visualization and 3d and voice interaction in air traffic management
M Lange, J Hjalmarsson, M Cooper, A Ynnerman, V Duong
Proceedings of the Annual SIGRAD Conference, 17Y22, 2003
Robust dynamic routing of aircraft under uncertainty
A Nilim, L El Ghaoui, V Duong
Proceedings. The 21st Digital Avionics Systems Conference 1, 1A5-1A5, 2002
System identification by genetic algorithm
V Duong, AR Stubberud
Proceedings, IEEE Aerospace Conference 5, 5-5, 2002
Extended flight rules to apply to the resolution of encounters in autonomous airborne separation
V Duong, E Hoffman, JP Nicolaon, L Floc’hic, A Bossu
Rapport technique, Eurocontrol, 18, 1996
Detection, tracking and classification of aircraft and drones in digital towers using machine learning on motion patterns
VP Thai, W Zhong, T Pham, S Alam, V Duong
2019 Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference (ICNS …, 2019
Conflict resolution advisory for autonomous airborne separation in low-density airspace
VN Duong, K Zeghal
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 3, 2429-2434, 1997
Multi-aircraft routing and traffic flow management under uncertainty
A Nilim, L El Ghaoui, V Duong
5th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar …, 2003
Sparse machine learning methods for understanding large text corpora.
L El Ghaoui, GC Li, VA Duong, V Pham, AN Srivastava, K Bhaduri
CIDU, 159-173, 2011
Redesign of the European route network for sector-less
T Riviere
The 23rd digital avionics systems conference (IEEE Cat. no. 04CH37576) 1, 2 …, 2004
Initial Results of Investigation into Autonomous Aircraft Operations
V Duong, E Hoffman, JP Nicolaon
Proceedings of the 1st USA/EUROPE Air Traffic Management Research and …, 1997
A spatial–temporal network perspective for the propagation dynamics of air traffic delays
Q Cai, S Alam, VN Duong
Engineering 7 (4), 452-464, 2021
Interactive and immersive 3D visualization for ATC
M Bourgois, M Cooper, V Duong, J Hjalmarsson, M Lange, A Ynnerman
FAA, 2005
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Articles 1–20