Berk Canberk
Cited by
Cited by
A survey of honeypots and honeynets for internet of things, industrial internet of things, and cyber-physical systems
J Franco, A Aris, B Canberk, AS Uluagac
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (4), 2351-2383, 2021
Handover management in software-defined ultra-dense 5G networks
T Bilen, B Canberk, KR Chowdhury
IEEE Network 31 (4), 49-55, 2017
Primary user activity modeling using first-difference filter clustering and correlation in cognitive radio networks
B Canberk, IF Akyildiz, S Oktug
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 19 (1), 170-183, 2010
Machine learning-based digital twin for predictive modeling in wind turbines
M Fahim, V Sharma, TV Cao, B Canberk, TQ Duong
IEEE Access 10, 14184-14194, 2022
Digital twin-aided intelligent offloading with edge selection in mobile edge computing
T Do-Duy, D Van Huynh, OA Dobre, B Canberk, TQ Duong
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 11 (4), 806-810, 2022
SDNs in the sky: Robust end-to-end connectivity for aerial vehicular networks
G Secinti, PB Darian, B Canberk, KR Chowdhury
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (1), 16-21, 2018
Traffic-aware QoS provisioning and admission control in OFDMA hybrid small cells
R Balakrishnan, B Canberk
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (2), 802-810, 2013
Digital twin for 6G: Taxonomy, research challenges, and the road ahead
A Masaracchia, V Sharma, B Canberk, OA Dobre, TQ Duong
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 3, 2137-2150, 2022
Self-Organized Things (SoT): An energy efficient next generation network management
ÖU Akgül, B Canberk
Computer Communications 74, 52-62, 2016
Scalability analysis and flow admission control in mininet-based SDN environment
M Erel, E Teoman, Y Özçevik, G Seçinti, B Canberk
2015 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined …, 2015
Software defined architecture for VANET: A testbed implementation with wireless access management
G Secinti, B Canberk, TQ Duong, L Shu
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (7), 135-141, 2017
Secure full-duplex small-cell networks in a spectrum sharing environment
NP Nguyen, C Kundu, HQ Ngo, TQ Duong, B Canberk
IEEE Access 4, 3087-3099, 2016
A qos-aware framework for available spectrum characterization and decision in cognitive radio networks
B Canberk, IF Akyildiz, S Oktug
Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2010 IEEE 21st …, 2010
Road to 5G reduced-latency: A software defined handover model for eMBB services
M Erel-Özçevik, B Canberk
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (8), 8133-8144, 2019
QoE-based flow management in software defined vehicular networks
E Bozkaya, B Canberk
2015 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-6, 2015
End to end delay modeling of heterogeneous traffic flows in software defined 5G networks
ME Özçevik, B Canberk, TQ Duong
Ad Hoc Networks 60, 26-39, 2017
Digital twin-enabled intelligent DDOS detection mechanism for autonomous core networks
Y Yigit, B Bal, A Karameseoglu, TQ Duong, B Canberk
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 6 (3), 38-44, 2022
BCDN: A proof of concept model for blockchain-aided CDN orchestration and routing
E Ak, B Canberk
Computer Networks 161, 162-171, 2019
SDoff: A software-defined offloading controller for heterogeneous networks
Z Arslan, M Erel, Y Özcevik, B Canberk
2014 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2827-2832, 2014
Resilient end-to-end connectivity for software defined unmanned aerial vehicular networks
G Secinti, PB Darian, B Canberk, KR Chowdhury
2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2017
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Articles 1–20