Pencho G. Marinov
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Cited by
Model of topside ionosphere scale height based on topside sounder data
IS Kutiev, PG Marinov, S Watanabe
Advances in Space Research 37 (5), 943-950, 2006
Optimal solvers for linear systems with fractional powers of sparse SPD matrices
S Harizanov, R Lazarov, S Margenov, P Marinov, Y Vutov
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 25 (5), e2167, 2018
Topside sounder model of scale height and transition height characteristics of the ionosphere
I Kutiev, P Marinov
Advances in Space Research 39 (5), 759-766, 2007
Analysis of numerical methods for spectral fractional elliptic equations based on the best uniform rational approximation
S Harizanov, R Lazarov, S Margenov, P Marinov, J Pasciak
Journal of Computational Physics 408, 109285, 2020
Blood plasma thermograms dataset analysisby means of intercriteria and correlation analyses for the case of colorectal cancer
S Todinova, D Mavrov, S Krumova, P Marinov, V Atanassova, ...
International Journal Bioautomation 20 (1), 115, 2016
Comparison of the topside ionosphere scale height determined by topside sounders model and bottomside digisonde profiles
A Belehaki, P Marinov, I Kutiev, N Jakowski, S Stankov
Advances in Space Research 37 (5), 963-966, 2006
Reconstruction of topside density profile by using the topside sounder model profiler and digisonde data
I Kutiev, P Marinov, A Belehaki, B Reinisch, N Jakowski
Advances in space research 43 (11), 1683-1687, 2009
Empirical model of O+–H+ transition height based on topside sounder data
P Marinov, I Kutiev, S Watanabe
Advances in Space Research 34 (9), 2021-2025, 2004
Ant algorithm for optimal sensor deployment
S Fidanova, P Marinov, E Alba
Computational Intelligence: Revised and Selected Papers of the International …, 2012
WN4 effect on longitudinal distribution of different ion species in the topside ionosphere at low latitudes by means of DEMETER, DMSP-F13 and DMSP-F15 data
L Bankov, R Heelis, M Parrot, JJ Berthelier, P Marinov, A Vassileva
Annales geophysicae 27 (7), 2893-2902, 2009
Analytical expression of O+ H+ ion transition surface for use in IRI
I Kutiev, S Stankov, P Marinov
Advances in Space Research 14 (12), 135-138, 1994
Intercriteria analysis of calorimetric data of blood serum proteome
S Krumova, S Todinova, D Mavrov, P Marinov, V Atanassova, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1861 (2), 409-417, 2017
Numerical solution of fractional diffusion–reaction problems based on BURA
S Harizanov, R Lazarov, S Margenov, P Marinov
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 80 (2), 316-331, 2020
Ionospheric and geomagnetic conditions during periods of degraded GPS position accuracy: 2. RTK events during disturbed and quiet geomagnetic conditions
R Warnant, I Kutiev, P Marinov, M Bavier, S Lejeune
Advances in Space Research 39 (5), 881-888, 2007
Ionospheric electron density perturbations during the 7–10 March 2012 geomagnetic storm period
A Belehaki, I Kutiev, P Marinov, I Tsagouri, K Koutroumbas, P Elias
Advances in Space Research 59 (4), 1041-1056, 2017
The European Ionosonde Service: nowcasting and forecasting ionospheric conditions over Europe for the ESA Space Situational Awareness services
A Belehaki, I Tsagouri, I Kutiev, P Marinov, B Zolesi, M Pietrella, ...
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 5, A25, 2015
Agomelatine treatment corrects impaired sleep-wake cycle and sleep architecture and increases MT1 receptor as well as BDNF expression in the hippocampus …
J Tchekalarova, L Kortenska, N Ivanova, M Atanasova, P Marinov
Psychopharmacology 237, 503-518, 2020
Ionospheric and geomagnetic conditions during periods of degraded GPS position accuracy: 1. Monitoring variability in TEC which degrades the accuracy of Real-Time Kinematic GPS …
R Warnant, I Kutiev, P Marinov, M Bavier, S Lejeune
Advances in Space Research 39 (5), 875-880, 2007
Advanced sensitivity analysis of the Danish Eulerian Model in parallel and grid environment
T Ostromsky, I Dimov, P Marinov, R Georgieva, Z Zlatev
AIP Conference Proceedings 1404 (1), 225-232, 2011
Comparison of NeQuick, PIM, and TSM model results for the topside ionospheric plasma scale and transition heights
SM Stankov, P Marinov, I Kutiev
Advances in Space Research 39 (5), 767-773, 2007
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Articles 1–20