Andrzej Zbrzezny
Andrzej Zbrzezny
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa
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Cited by
Bounded Model Checking for the Universal Fragment of CTL
W Penczek, B Wozna, A Zbrzezny
Fundamenta Informaticae 51 (1-2), 135-156, 2002
Verics 2007-a model checker for knowledge and real-time
M Kacprzak, W Nabiałek, A Niewiadomski, W Penczek, A Półrola, ...
Fundamenta Informaticae 85 (1-4), 313-328, 2008
VerICS: a tool for verifying timed automata and estelle specifications
P Dembiński, A Janowska, P Janowski, W Penczek, A Półrola, M Szreter, ...
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 278-283, 2003
Checking reachability properties for Timed Automata via SAT
B Wozna, W Penczek, A Zbrzezny
Fundamenta Informaticae 55 (2), 223-241, 2002
Towards bounded model checking for the universal fragment of TCTL
W Penczek, B Woźna, A Zbrzezny
International Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant …, 2002
BDD-versus SAT-based bounded model checking for the existential fragment of linear temporal logic with knowledge: algorithms and their performance
A Mȩski, W Penczek, M Szreter, B Woźna-Szcześniak, A Zbrzezny
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 28, 558-604, 2014
Planics-a web service composition toolset
D Doliwa, W Horzelski, M Jarocki, A Niewiadomski, W Penczek, A Półrola, ...
Fundamenta Informaticae 112 (1), 47-71, 2011
Improving the translation from ECTL to SAT
A Zbrzezny
Fundamenta Informaticae 85 (1-4), 513-531, 2008
SAT-based reachability checking for timed automata with diagonal constraints
A Zbrzezny
Fundamenta Informaticae 67 (1-3), 303-322, 2005
Sat-based reachability checking for timed automata with discrete data
A Zbrzezny, A Półrola
Fundamenta Informaticae 79 (3-4), 579-593, 2007
A New Translation from ECTL* to SAT
A Zbrzezny
Fundamenta Informaticae 120 (3-4), 377-395, 2012
A new translation from ECTL* to SAT
A Zbrzezny
CS&P 2011, 589-600, 2011
Improvements in SAT-based reachability analysis for timed automata
A Zbrzezny
Fundamenta Informaticae 60 (1-4), 417-434, 2004
Towards SAT-based BMC for LTLK over interleaved interpreted systems
W Penczek, B Woźna-Szcześniak, A Zbrzezny
Fundamenta Informaticae 119 (3-4), 373-392, 2012
Reachability for timed systems based on SAT-solvers
B Wozna, W Penczek, A Zbrzezny
Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS …, 0
The BMC method for the existential part of RTCTLK and interleaved interpreted systems
B Woźna-Szcześniak, A Zbrzezny, A Zbrzezny
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 15th Portuguese Conference on …, 2011
Sat and smt-based verification of security protocols including time aspects
S Szymoniak, O Siedlecka-Lamch, AM Zbrzezny, A Zbrzezny, ...
Sensors 21 (9), 3055, 2021
Checking EMTLK properties of timed interpreted systems via bounded model checking
B Woźna-Szcześniak, A Zbrzezny
Studia Logica 104 (4), 641-678, 2016
A translator of Java programs to TADDs
A Rataj, B Woźna, A Zbrzezny
Fundamenta Informaticae 93 (1-3), 305-324, 2009
SAT-based bounded model checking for weighted interpreted systems and weighted linear temporal logic
B Woźna-Szcześniak, AM Zbrzezny, A Zbrzezny
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems …, 2013
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Articles 1–20