A. Fantechi
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Cited by
Applications of linguistic techniques for use case analysis
A Fantechi, S Gnesi, G Lami, A Maccari
Requirements Engineering 8, 161-170, 2003
GUARDS: A generic upgradable architecture for real-time dependable systems
D Powell, J Arlat, L Beus-Dukic, A Bondavalli, P Coppola, A Fantechi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 10 (6), 580-599, 1999
Assisting requirement formalization by means of natural language translation
A Fantechi, S Gnesi, G Ristori, M Carenini, M Vanocchi, P Moreschini
Formal Methods in System Design 4, 243-263, 1994
Natural language processing of patents and technical documentation
G Cascini, A Fantechi, E Spinicci
Document Analysis Systems VI: 6th International Workshop, DAS 2004, Florence …, 2004
Formal description of variability in product families
P Asirelli, MH Ter Beek, S Gnesi, A Fantechi
2011 15th International Software Product Line Conference, 130-139, 2011
Formal modeling for product families engineering
A Fantechi, S Gnesi
2008 12th International Software Product Line Conference, 193-202, 2008
An action-based framework for veryfying logical and behavioural properties of concurrent systems
R De Nicola, A Fantechi, S Gnesi, G Ristori
Computer networks and ISDN systems 25 (7), 761-778, 1993
A state/event-based model-checking approach for the analysis of abstract system properties
MH Ter Beek, A Fantechi, S Gnesi, F Mazzanti
Science of Computer Programming 76 (2), 119-135, 2011
Model checking interlocking control tables
A Ferrari, G Magnani, D Grasso, A Fantechi
FORMS/FORMAT 2010: Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and …, 2011
Detecting requirements defects with NLP patterns: an industrial experience in the railway domain
A Ferrari, G Gori, B Rosadini, I Trotta, S Bacherini, A Fantechi, S Gnesi
Empirical Software Engineering 23 (6), 3684-3733, 2018
Using NLP to detect requirements defects: An industrial experience in the railway domain
B Rosadini, A Ferrari, G Gori, A Fantechi, S Gnesi, I Trotta, S Bacherini
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 23rd …, 2017
A formal verification environment for railway signaling system design
C Bernardeschi, A Fantechi, S Gnesi, S Larosa, G Mongardi, D Romano
Formal Methods in System Design 12, 139-161, 1998
Modelling and analysing variability in product families: Model checking of modal transition systems with variability constraints
MH ter Beek, A Fantechi, S Gnesi, F Mazzanti
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 85 (2), 287-315, 2016
Use case description of requirements for product lines
A Bertolino, A Fantechi, S Gnesi, G Lami, A Maccari
Proceedings of the international workshop on requirements engineering for …, 2002
Twenty-five years of formal methods and railways: what next?
A Fantechi
International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 167-183, 2013
A logical framework to deal with variability
P Asirelli, MH Ter Beek, A Fantechi, S Gnesi
Integrated Formal Methods: 8th International Conference, IFM 2010, Nancy …, 2010
Some trends in formal methods applications to railway signaling
A Fantechi, W Fokkink, A Morzenti
Formal methods for industrial critical systems: A survey of applications, 61-84, 2012
Using temporal logic and model checking in automated recognition of human activities for ambient-assisted living
T Magherini, A Fantechi, CD Nugent, E Vicario
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 43 (6), 509-521, 2013
Testing equivalences for event structures
L Aceto, R De Nicola, A Fantechi
Mathematical Models for the Semantics of Parallelism: Advanced School Rome …, 1987
An action/state-based model-checking approach for the analysis of communication protocols for Service-Oriented Applications
MH Ter Beek, A Fantechi, S Gnesi, F Mazzanti
International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems …, 2007
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Articles 1–20