Xiaomo Jiang
Cited by
Cited by
Dynamic fuzzy wavelet neural network model for structural system identification
H Adeli, X Jiang
Journal of structural engineering 132 (1), 102-111, 2006
Dynamic wavelet neural network model for traffic flow forecasting
X Jiang, H Adeli
Journal of transportation engineering 131 (10), 771-779, 2005
Pseudospectra, MUSIC, and dynamic wavelet neural network for damage detection of highrise buildings
X Jiang, H Adeli
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 71 (5), 606-629, 2007
Intelligent infrastructure: neural networks, wavelets, and chaos theory for intelligent transportation systems and smart structures
H Adeli, X Jiang
CRC press, 2008
Wavelet packet‐autocorrelation function method for traffic flow pattern analysis
X Jiang, H Adeli
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 19 (5), 324-337, 2004
Dynamic wavelet neural network for nonlinear identification of highrise buildings
X Jiang, H Adeli
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 20 (5), 316-330, 2005
Bayesian wavelet packet denoising for structural system identification
X Jiang, S Mahadevan, H Adeli
Structural Control and Health Monitoring: The Official Journal of the …, 2007
Neuro‐genetic algorithm for non‐linear active control of structures
X Jiang, H Adeli
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 75 (7), 770-786, 2008
Freeway work zone traffic delay and cost optimization model
X Jiang, H Adeli
Journal of transportation engineering 129 (3), 230-241, 2003
Neuro-fuzzy logic model for freeway work zone capacity estimation
H Adeli, X Jiang
Journal of Transportation Engineering 129 (5), 484-493, 2003
Dynamic fuzzy wavelet neuroemulator for non‐linear control of irregular building structures
X Jiang, H Adeli
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 74 (7), 1045-1066, 2008
Spread-of-plasticity analysis of three-dimensional steel frames
XM Jiang, H Chen, JYR Liew
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2), 193-212, 2002
A robust error-pursuing sequential sampling approach for global metamodeling based on voronoi diagram and cross validation
S Xu, H Liu, X Wang, X Jiang
Journal of Mechanical Design 136 (7), 071009, 2014
Predictive maintenance of shield tunnels
Y Yuan, X Jiang, X Liu
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 38, 69-86, 2013
Object‐oriented model for freeway work zone capacity and queue delay estimation
X Jiang, H Adeli
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 19 (2), 144-156, 2004
Bayesian risk-based decision method for model validation under uncertainty
X Jiang, S Mahadevan
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 92 (6), 707-718, 2007
Fuzzy clustering approach for accurate embedding dimension identification in chaotic time series
X Jiang, H Adeli
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 10 (3), 287-302, 2003
Wavelet spectrum analysis approach to model validation of dynamic systems
X Jiang, S Mahadevan
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 25 (2), 575-590, 2011
Bayesian wavelet methodology for structural damage detection
X Jiang, S Mahadevan
Structural Control and Health Monitoring: The Official Journal of the …, 2008
Bayesian wavelet method for multivariate model assessment of dynamic systems
X Jiang, S Mahadevan
Journal of Sound and Vibration 312 (4-5), 694-712, 2008
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Articles 1–20