Sarvesh  Rawat
Sarvesh Rawat
student University of North Carolina, Charlotte
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Cited by
Design and evaluation of a hybrid system for detection and prediction of faults in electrical transformers
S Al-Janabi, S Rawat, A Patel, I Al-Shourbaji
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 67, 324-335, 2015
Multi-sensor data fusion by a hybrid methodology–A comparative study
S Rawat, S Rawat
Computers in Industry 75, 27-34, 2016
A dominance based rough set classification system for fault diagnosis in electrical smart grid environments
S Rawat, A Patel, J Celestino, ALM dos Santos
Artificial Intelligence Review 46, 389-411, 2016
Heartbeat rate monitoring system by pulse technique using HB sensor
J Arora, A Singh, NP Singh, SSS Rawat, G Singh
International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems …, 2014
Anomaly detection in smart grid using rough set theory and K cross validation
SSS Rawat, VA Polavarapu, V Kumar, E Aruna, V Sumathi
2014 international conference on circuits, power and computing technologies …, 2014
Design and development of digital voltmeter using different techniques
J Arora, SSS Rawat, K Srinivasan, V Puri
2014 International Conference on Green Computing Communication and …, 2014
Phishing Detection by determining reliability factor using rough set theory
A Kumar, SS Roy, S Saxena, SSS Rawat
2013 International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Research …, 2013
Core generation from phone calls data using rough set theory
SS Roy, SSS Rawat
Annals Computer Science Series 10, 29-32, 2012
Multicriteria decision examination for electrical power grid monitoring system
SS Roy, VM Viswanatham, SSS Rawat, H Shah
2013 7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO …, 2013
Multicriteria decision examination in wireless sensor networks
SSS Rawat, SS Roy, J Arora, GS Shashank
2014 International Conference on Reliability Optimization and Information …, 2014
Improving circuit miniaturization and its efficiency using Rough Set Theory
SSS Rawat, DD Mor, SS Roy, A Kumar, R Ramesh
2013 International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Research …, 2013
A drawing robotic hand based on inverse kinematics
S Agarwal, SSS Rawat, V Sumathi
International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems …, 2014
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Articles 1–12