Franz W. Kellermanns
Cited by
Cited by
Destructive and productive family relationships: A stewardship theory perspective
KA Eddleston, FW Kellermanns
Journal of business venturing 22 (4), 545-565, 2007
Family control and family firm valuation by family CEOs: The importance of intentions for transgenerational control
TM Zellweger, FW Kellermanns, JJ Chrisman, JH Chua
Organization science 23 (3), 851-868, 2012
Exploring the concept of familiness: Introducing family firm identity
TM Zellweger, KA Eddleston, FW Kellermanns
Journal of family business strategy 1 (1), 54-63, 2010
An exploratory study of family member characteristics and involvement: Effects on entrepreneurial behavior in the family firm
FW Kellermanns, KA Eddleston, T Barnett, A Pearson
Family business review 21 (1), 1-14, 2008
Feuding families: When conflict does a family firm good
FW Kellermanns, KA Eddleston
Entrepreneurship theory and Practice 28 (3), 209-228, 2004
Corporate entrepreneurship in family firms: A family perspective
FW Kellermanns, KA Eddleston
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 30 (6), 809-830, 2006
Resource configuration in family firms: Linking resources, strategic planning and technological opportunities to performance
KA Eddleston, FW Kellermanns, R Sarathy
Journal of Management Studies 45 (1), 26-50, 2008
Are family managers agents or stewards? An exploratory study in privately held family firms
JJ Chrisman, JH Chua, FW Kellermanns, EPC Chang
Journal of Business research 60 (10), 1030-1038, 2007
The adolescence of family firm research: Taking stock and planning for the future
E Gedajlovic, M Carney, JJ Chrisman, FW Kellermanns
Journal of management 38 (4), 1010-1037, 2012
Innovativeness in family firms: A family influence perspective
FW Kellermanns, KA Eddleston, R Sarathy, F Murphy
Small business economics 38, 85-101, 2012
Intellectual foundations of current research in family business: An identification and review of 25 influential articles
JJ Chrisman, FW Kellermanns, KC Chan, K Liano
Family Business Review 23 (1), 9-26, 2010
A model of business school students' acceptance of a web-based course management system
LL Martins, FW Kellermanns
Academy of Management Learning & Education 3 (1), 7-26, 2004
Article commentary: Extending the socioemotional wealth perspective: A look at the dark side
FW Kellermanns, KA Eddleston, TM Zellweger
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 36 (6), 1175-1182, 2012
Viewing family firm behavior and governance through the lens of agency and stewardship theories
K Madison, DT Holt, FW Kellermanns, AL Ranft
Family Business Review 29 (1), 65-93, 2016
Are we family and are we treated as family? Nonfamily employees’ perceptions of justice in the family firm
T Barnett, FW Kellermanns
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 30 (6), 837-854, 2006
Family business research in the new millennium: An overview of the who, the where, the what, and the why
BJ Debicki, CF Matherne III, FW Kellermanns, JJ Chrisman
Family Business Review 22 (2), 151-166, 2009
Exploring the entrepreneurial behavior of family firms: Does the stewardship perspective explain differences?
KA Eddleston, FW Kellermanns, TM Zellweger
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 36 (2), 347-367, 2012
Development of a socioemotional wealth importance (SEWi) scale for family firm research
BJ Debicki, FW Kellermanns, JJ Chrisman, AW Pearson, BA Spencer
Journal of Family Business Strategy 7 (1), 47-57, 2016
Entrepreneurial team composition characteristics and new venture performance: A meta–analysis
L Jin, K Madison, ND Kraiczy, FW Kellermanns, TR Crook, J Xi
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 41 (5), 743-771, 2017
Knowledge transfer between and within alliance partners: Private versus collective benefits of social capital
J Walter, C Lechner, FW Kellermanns
Journal of business research 60 (7), 698-710, 2007
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Articles 1–20