Matthias  J Schnell
Matthias J Schnell
professor of microbiology and immunology, thomas jefferson university
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Infectious rabies viruses from cloned cDNA.
MJ Schnell, T Mebatsion, KK Conzelmann
The EMBO journal 13 (18), 4195-4203, 1994
Prostratin: activation of latent HIV-1 expression suggests a potential inductive adjuvant therapy for HAART
J Kulkosky, DM Culnan, J Roman, G Dornadula, M Schnell, MR Boyd, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 98 (10), 3006-3015, 2001
The cell biology of rabies virus: using stealth to reach the brain
MJ Schnell, JP McGettigan, C Wirblich, A Papaneri
Nature reviews microbiology 8 (1), 51-61, 2010
Foreign glycoproteins expressed from recombinant vesicular stomatitis viruses are incorporated efficiently into virus particles.
MJ Schnell, L Buonocore, E Kretzschmar, E Johnson, JK Rose
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (21), 11359-11365, 1996
The spread and evolution of rabies virus: conquering new frontiers
CR Fisher, DG Streicker, MJ Schnell
Nature Reviews Microbiology 16 (4), 241-255, 2018
Construction of a novel virus that targets HIV-1-infected cells and controls HIV-1 infection
MJ Schnell, JE Johnson, L Buonocore, JK Rose
Cell 90 (5), 849-857, 1997
The minimal conserved transcription stop-start signal promotes stable expression of a foreign gene in vesicular stomatitis virus
MJ Schnell, L Buonocore, MA Whitt, JK Rose
Journal of virology 70 (4), 2318-2323, 1996
Overexpression of the rabies virus glycoprotein results in enhancement of apoptosis and antiviral immune response
M Faber, R Pulmanausahakul, SS Hodawadekar, S Spitsin, ...
Journal of virology 76 (7), 3374-3381, 2002
Rabies virus CVS-N2cΔG strain enhances retrograde synaptic transfer and neuronal viability
TR Reardon, AJ Murray, GF Turi, C Wirblich, KR Croce, MJ Schnell, ...
Neuron 89 (4), 711-724, 2016
Rhabdoviruses and the cellular ubiquitin-proteasome system: a budding interaction
RN Harty, ME Brown, JP McGettigan, G Wang, HR Jayakar, ...
Journal of virology 75 (22), 10623-10629, 2001
Rescue of synthetic genomic RNA analogs of rabies virus by plasmid-encoded proteins
KK Conzelmann, M Schnell
Journal of virology 68 (2), 713-719, 1994
A single amino acid change in rabies virus glycoprotein increases virus spread and enhances virus pathogenicity
M Faber, ML Faber, A Papaneri, M Bette, E Weihe, B Dietzschold, ...
Journal of virology 79 (22), 14141-14148, 2005
Concepts in the pathogenesis of rabies
B Dietzschold, J Li, M Faber, M Schnell
Future virology 3 (5), 481-490, 2008
Requirement for a non‐specific glycoprotein cytoplasmic domain sequence to drive efficient budding of vesicular stomatitis virus
MJ Schnell, L Buonocore, E Boritz, HP Ghosh, R Chernish, JK Rose
The EMBO journal, 1998
Recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus expressing respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) glycoproteins: RSV fusion protein can mediate infection and cell fusion
JS Kahn, MJ Schnell, L Buonocore, JK Rose
Virology 254 (1), 81-91, 1999
Pathogenesis of rabies
B Dietzschold, M Schnell, H Koprowski
The world of rhabdoviruses, 45-56, 2005
Everything you always wanted to know about rabies virus (but were afraid to ask)
BM Davis, GF Rall, MJ Schnell
Annual review of virology 2 (1), 451-471, 2015
Identification of viral genomic elements responsible for rabies virus neuroinvasiveness
M Faber, R Pulmanausahakul, K Nagao, M Prosniak, AB Rice, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (46), 16328-16332, 2004
Highly stable expression of a foreign gene from rabies virus vectors.
T Mebatsion, MJ Schnell, JH Cox, S Finke, KK Conzelmann
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (14), 7310-7314, 1996
The dynein light chain 8 binding motif of rabies virus phosphoprotein promotes efficient viral transcription
GS Tan, MAR Preuss, JC Williams, MJ Schnell
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (17), 7229-7234, 2007
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Articles 1–20