Paul Westhead
Paul Westhead
Professor of Entrepreneurship
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The internationalization of new and small firms: A resource-based view
P Westhead, M Wright, D Ucbasaran
Journal of business venturing 16 (4), 333-358, 2001
Cross-national comparisons of the variation in new firm formation rates
P Reynolds, DJ Storey, P Westhead
Regional studies 28 (4), 443-456, 1994
The focus of entrepreneurial research: contextual and process issues
D Ucbasaran, P Westhead, M Wright
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 25 (4), 57-80, 2001
Opportunity identification and pursuit: does an entrepreneur’s human capital matter?
D Ucbasaran, P Westhead, M Wright
Small business economics 30, 153-173, 2008
Family firm research: The need for a methodological rethink
P Westhead, M Cowling
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 23 (1), 31-56, 1998
Novice, portfolio, and serial founders: are they different?
P Westhead, M Wright
Journal of business venturing 13 (3), 173-204, 1998
The extent and nature of opportunity identification by experienced entrepreneurs
D Ucbasaran, P Westhead, M Wright
Journal of business venturing 24 (2), 99-115, 2009
A taxonomy of business start-up reasons and their impact on firm growth and size
S Birley, P Westhead
Journal of business venturing 9 (1), 7-31, 1994
Growth and performance contrasts between ‘types’ of small firms
S Birley, P Westhead
Strategic management journal 11 (7), 535-557, 1990
An exploratory examination of the reasons leading to new firm formation across country and gender
S Shane, L Kolvereid, P Westhead
Journal of business venturing 6 (6), 431-446, 1991
The nature of entrepreneurial experience, business failure and comparative optimism
D Ucbasaran, P Westhead, M Wright, M Flores
Journal of business venturing 25 (6), 541-555, 2010
Ownership and management issues associated with family firm performance and company objectives
P Westhead, C Howorth
Family Business Review 19 (4), 301-316, 2006
Entrepreneurial founder teams: Factors associated with member entry and exit
D Ucbasaran, A Lockett, M Wright, P Westhead
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 28 (2), 107-128, 2003
Management training and small firm performance: why is the link so weak?
P Westhead, D Storey
International Small Business Journal 14 (4), 13-24, 1996
Internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and international entrepreneurship: A critique and policy implications
M Wright, P Westhead, D Ucbasaran
Regional Studies 41 (7), 1013-1030, 2007
Decisions, actions, and performance: do novice, serial, and portfolio entrepreneurs differ?
P Westhead, D Ucbasaran, M Wright
Journal of small business management 43 (4), 393-417, 2005
Assessing the impact of university science parks on research productivity: exploratory firm-level evidence from the United Kingdom
DS Siegel, P Westhead, M Wright
International journal of industrial organization 21 (9), 1357-1369, 2003
Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention: Do female students benefit?
P Westhead, MZ Solesvik
International small business journal 34 (8), 979-1003, 2016
The focus of working capital management in UK small firms
C Howorth, P Westhead
Management accounting research 14 (2), 94-111, 2003
Habitual entrepreneurs
D Ucbasaran, P Westhead, M Wright
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006
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Articles 1–20