Jose Campos e Matos
Jose Campos e Matos
Professor Engenharia Civil, Universidade do Minho, ISISE - Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering
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Cited by
An innovative adaptive sparse response surface method for structural reliability analysis
H Guimaraes, JC Matos, AA Henriques
Structural Safety 73, 12-28, 2018
Iron-Based shape memory alloy for strengthening of 113-Year bridge
J Vůjtěch, P Ryjáček, JC Matos, E Ghafoori
Engineering Structures 248, 113231, 2021
Visual inspection and bridge management
L Quirk, J Matos, J Murphy, V Pakrashi
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 14 (3), 320-332, 2018
Fragility curves for free and restrained rocking masonry façades in one-sided motion
L Giresini, C Casapulla, R Denysiuk, J Matos, M Sassu
Engineering Structures 164, 195-213, 2018
Reliability-based assessment of existing masonry arch railway bridges
VN Moreira, J Fernandes, JC Matos, DV Oliveira
Construction and Building Materials 115, 544-554, 2016
Comparison of stochastic prediction models based on visual inspections of bridge decks
I Zambon, A Vidovic, A Strauss, J Matos, J Amado
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 23 (5), 553-561, 2017
Two-stage multiobjective optimization of maintenance scheduling for pavements
R Denysiuk, AV Moreira, JC Matos, JRM Oliveira, A Santos
Journal of infrastructure systems 23 (3), 04017001, 2017
Condition prediction of existing concrete bridges as a combination of visual inspection and analytical models of deterioration
I Zambon, A Vidović, A Strauss, J Matos
Applied Sciences 9 (1), 148, 2019
Performance indicators for roadway bridges
A Strauss, A Vidovic, I Zambon, F Dengg, N Tanasic, JC Matos
Taylor and Francis, 2016
Analysis of cost overrun and schedule delays of infrastructure projects in low income economies: case studies in Ethiopia
S Melaku Belay, S Tilahun, M Yehualaw, J Matos, H Sousa, ET Workneh
Advances in Civil Engineering 2021 (1), 4991204, 2021
Probabilistic-based assessment of a masonry arch bridge considering inferential procedures
VN Moreira, JC Matos, DV Oliveira
Engineering Structures 134, 61-73, 2017
Comparison of forecasting models to predict concrete bridge decks performance
M Santamaria Ariza, I Zambon, H S. Sousa, JA Campos e Matos, ...
Structural Concrete 21 (4), 1240-1253, 2020
Probabilistic-based assessment of existing steel-concrete composite bridges–Application to Sousa River Bridge
JC Matos, VN Moreira, IB Valente, PJS Cruz, LC Neves, N Galvão
Engineering Structures 181, 95-110, 2019
An innovative framework for probabilistic-based structural assessment with an application to existing reinforced concrete structures
JC Matos, PJS Cruz, IB Valente, LC Neves, VN Moreira
Engineering Structures 111, 552-564, 2016
COST Action TU 1406 quality specifications for roadway bridges (BridgeSpec)
JC Matos, JR Casas, S Fernandes
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance …, 2016
A computational framework for infrastructure asset maintenance scheduling
R Denysiuk, J Fernandes, JC Matos, LC Neves, U Berardinelli
Structural engineering international 26 (2), 94-102, 2016
Probabilistic-based structural assessment of a historic stone arch bridge
B Conde, JC Matos, DV Oliveira, B Riveiro
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 17 (3), 379-391, 2021
Clenbuterol storage stability in the bovine urine and liver samples used for European official control in the Azores Islands (Portugal)
I Pinheiro, B Jesuino, J Barbosa, H Ferreira, F Ramos, J Matos, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 57 (3), 910-914, 2009
A new methodology for damage assessment of bridges through instrumentation: Application to the Sorraia River Bridge
JCE Matos, JR Casas, J Figueiras
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 1 (4), 239-252, 2005
Improvement of the inspection interval of highway bridges through predictive models of deterioration
AF Santos, MS Bonatte, HS Sousa, TN Bittencourt, JC Matos
Buildings 12 (2), 124, 2022
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Articles 1–20