Gabriel E. Humpire-Mamani
Gabriel E. Humpire-Mamani
Radboud University Medical Center
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Cited by
The liver tumor segmentation benchmark (lits)
P Bilic, P Christ, HB Li, E Vorontsov, A Ben-Cohen, G Kaissis, A Szeskin, ...
Medical Image Analysis 84, 102680, 2023
An efficient algorithm for fractal analysis of textures
AF Costa, GE Humpire-Mamani, AJM Traina
Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2012 25th SIBGRAPI Conference on …, 2012
Efficient organ localization using multi-label convolutional neural networks in thorax-abdomen CT scans
GE Humpire-Mamani, AAA Setio, B Van Ginneken, C Jacobs
Physics in Medicine & Biology 63 (8), 085003, 2018
Fully Automatic Volume Measurement of the Spleen at CT Using Deep Learning
GE Humpire Mamani, J Bukala, ET Scholten, M Prokop, B van Ginneken, ...
Radiology: Artificial Intelligence 2 (4), 2020
Organ detection in thorax abdomen CT using multi-label convolutional neural networks
GE Humpire Mamani, AAA Setio, B van Ginneken, C Jacobs
SPIE Medical Imaging, 1013416-1013416-6, 2017
K-gabor: A new feature extraction method for medical images providing internal analysis
GE Humpire-Mamani, AJM Traina, C Traina
Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), 2012 25th International Symposium on, 1-6, 2012
Detección de huevos helmintos mediante plantillas dinámicas
J Chuctaya, J Mena-Chalco, GE Humpire-Mamani, A Rodriguez, ...
Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática-CLEI, 1-12, 2010
Seleção supervisionada de características por ranking para processar consultas por similaridade em imagens médicas
GE Humpire Mamani
Universidade de São Paulo, 2012
Fscoms: Feature selection of medical images based on compactness measure from scatterplots
G Humpire-Mamani, AJM Traina, C Traina
2012 IEEE Second International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, Imaging …, 2012
Sistema Automático de Diagnóstico de Parásitos Helmintos
GE Humpire-Mamani, J Chuctaya, JC Cáceres, O Bruno, C Beltrán
WVC 2011, Workshop de Visão Computacional, 2011
Reconocimiento de Rostros mediante Puntos Caracteristicos Locales
A Ocsa, A Rodriguez, JH Chuctaya, G Humpire-Mamani
SCGI2008, 2008
Transfer learning from a sparsely annotated dataset of 3D medical images
GE Humpire-Mamani, C Jacobs, M Prokop, B van Ginneken, N Lessmann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.05032, 2023
Deep Learning for Localization and Segmentation in Thorax Abdomen CT
GE Humpire Mamani
Radboud University Medical Center, 2024
Kidney abnormality segmentation in thorax-abdomen CT scans
GE Humpire Mamani, N Lessmann, ET Scholten, M Prokop, C Jacobs, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.03383, 2023
Dataset for: Kidney abnormality segmentation in thorax-abdomen CT scans
GE Humpire-Mamani, L Builtjes, C Jacobs, B Van Ginneken, M Prokop, ...
Zenodo, 2023
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Articles 1–15