Efthymios Housos
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Cited by
An integer programming formulation for a case study in university timetabling
S Daskalaki, T Birbas, E Housos
European journal of operational research 153 (1), 117-135, 2004
Crew pairing optimization
E Andersson, E Housos, N Kohl, D Wedelin
Operations research in the airline industry, 228-258, 1998
Hybrid optimization techniques for the workshift and rest assignment of nursing personnel
C Valouxis, E Housos
Artificial intelligence in medicine 20 (2), 155-175, 2000
A systematic two phase approach for the nurse rostering problem
C Valouxis, C Gogos, G Goulas, P Alefragis, E Housos
European Journal of Operational Research 219 (2), 425-433, 2012
Constraint programming approach for school timetabling
C Valouxis, E Housos
Computers & Operations Research 30 (10), 1555-1572, 2003
Steady state network equivalents for power system planning applications
EC Housos, G Irisarri, RM Porter, AM Sasson
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 2113-2120, 1980
An improved multi-staged algorithmic process for the solution of the examination timetabling problem
C Gogos, P Alefragis, E Housos
Annals of Operations Research 194, 203-221, 2012
Combined bus and driver scheduling
C Valouxis, E Housos
Computers & Operations Research 29 (3), 243-259, 2002
School timetabling for quality student and teacher schedules
T Birbas, S Daskalaki, E Housos
Journal of Scheduling 12, 177-197, 2009
Timetabling for Greek high schools
T Birbas, S Daskalaki, E Housos
Journal of the Operational Research Society 48 (12), 1191-1200, 1997
Automatic optimization of subproblems in scheduling airline crews
E Housos, T Elmroth
Interfaces 27 (5), 68-77, 1997
A column generation approach for the timetabling problem of Greek high schools
K Papoutsis, C Valouxis, E Housos
Journal of the Operational Research Society 54 (3), 230-238, 2003
Scheduling independent tasks on heterogeneous processors using heuristics and Column Pricing
C Gogos, C Valouxis, P Alefragis, G Goulas, N Voros, E Housos
Future Generation Computer Systems 60, 48-66, 2016
Short term electric load forecasting based on data transformation and statistical machine learning
N Andriopoulos, A Magklaras, A Birbas, A Papalexopoulos, C Valouxis, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (1), 158, 2020
PLEIADES: An Internet‐based parallel/distributed system
D Koulopoulos, K Papoutsis, G Goulas, E Housos
Software: Practice and Experience 32 (11), 1035-1049, 2002
Prediction of individual implant bone levels and the existence of implant “phenotypes”
G Papantonopoulos, C Gogos, E Housos, T Bountis, BG Loos
Clinical Oral Implants Research 28 (7), 823-832, 2017
Real and reactive power-system security dispatch using a variable weights optimization method
G Irisarri, E Housos
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 1260-1268, 1983
Peri‐implantitis: a complex condition with non‐linear characteristics
G Papantonopoulos, C Gogos, E Housos, T Bountis, BG Loos
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 42 (8), 789-798, 2015
Efficient trip generation with a rule modeling system for crew scheduling problems
C Goumopoulos, E Housos
Journal of Systems and Software 69 (1-2), 43-56, 2004
A sparse variable metric optimization method applied to the solution of power system problems
EC Housos, GD Irisarri
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 195-202, 1982
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Articles 1–20