Muhammad Arif
Cited by
Cited by
Multiscale permutation entropy of physiological time series
W Aziz, M Arif
2005 Pakistan Section Multitopic Conference, 1-6, 2005
Detection and localization of myocardial infarction using k-nearest neighbor classifier
M Arif, IA Malagore, FA Afsar
Journal of medical systems 36, 279-289, 2012
Software testing techniques: A literature review
MA Jamil, M Arif, NSA Abubakar, A Ahmad
2016 6th International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2016
Fingerprint identification and verification system using minutiae matching
FA Afsar, M Arif, M Hussain
National Conference on Emerging Technologies 2, 141-146, 2004
Robust electrocardiogram (ECG) beat classification using discrete wavelet transform
FAA Minhas, M Arif
Physiological Measurement 29 (5), 555, 2008
Physical activities monitoring using wearable acceleration sensors attached to the body
M Arif, A Kattan
PloS one 10 (7), e0130851, 2015
Better Physical Activity Classification using Smartphone Acceleration Sensor
M Arif, M Bilal, A Kattan, SI Ahamed
Journal of Medical Systems 38 (9), 2014
Complexity analysis of stride interval time series by threshold dependent symbolic entropy
W Aziz, M Arif
European journal of applied physiology 98, 30-40, 2006
Incorporation of experience in iterative learning controllers using locally weighted learning
M Arif, T Ishihara, H Inooka
Automatica 37 (6), 881-888, 2001
Cartesian path generation of robot manipulators using continuous genetic algorithms
S Za’er, NM Mirza, SM Mirza, M Arif
Robotics and autonomous systems 41 (4), 179-223, 2002
Automatic detection and localization of myocardial infarction using back propagation neural networks
M Arif, IA Malagore, FA Afsar
2010 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical …, 2010
Role of Machine Learning Algorithms in Forest Fire Management: A Literature Review
A Muhammad, A Khloud, S Salma, A Samar, M Alsahaft, A Maram, ...
Journal of Robotics and Automation 5 (1), 212-226, 2021
Decision trees based classification of cardiotocograms using bagging approach
SAA Shah, W Aziz, M Arif, MSA Nadeem
2015 13th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology …, 2015
Estimation of the effect of cadence on gait stability in young and elderly people using approximate entropy technique
M Arif, Y Ohtaki, R Nagatomi, H Inooka
Measurement Science Review 4 (2), 29-40, 2004
Detection of ST segment deviation episodes in ECG using KLT with an ensemble neural classifier
FA Afsar, M Arif, J Yang
Physiological measurement 29 (7), 747, 2008
Electric load forecasting using support vector machines optimized by genetic algorithm
SR Abbas, M Arif
2006 IEEE International Multitopic Conference, 395-399, 2006
A light weight smartphone based human activity recognition system with high accuracy
G Md, Osman, F Taskina, P Richard, J., S Roger, O., A Muhammad, ...
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 141, 59-72, 2019
Pruned fuzzy K-nearest neighbor classifier for beat classification
M Arif, MU Akram
Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (4), 380-389, 2010
Time-series event-based prediction: An unsupervised learning framework based on genetic programming
A Kattan, S Fatima, M Arif
Information Sciences 301, 99-123, 2015
A Systematic Review of Machine Learning Algorithms in Cyberbullying Detection: Future Directions and Challenges
A Muhammad
Journal of Information Security & Cybercrimes Research 4 (1), 1-26, 2021
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Articles 1–20