Monojoy Goswami
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Cited by
Untangling the effects of chain rigidity on the structure and dynamics of strongly adsorbed polymer melts
JMY Carrillo, S Cheng, R Kumar, M Goswami, AP Sokolov, BG Sumpter
Macromolecules 48 (12), 4207-4219, 2015
Morphologies of block copolymers composed of charged and neutral blocks
X Wang, M Goswami, R Kumar, BG Sumpter, J Mays
Soft Matter 8 (11), 3036-3052, 2012
Effects of backbone rigidity on the local structure and dynamics in polymer melts and glasses
R Kumar, M Goswami, BG Sumpter, VN Novikov, AP Sokolov
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (13), 4604-4609, 2013
New insights into the dynamics and morphology of P3HT: PCBM active layers in bulk heterojunctions
JMY Carrillo, R Kumar, M Goswami, BG Sumpter, WM Brown
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (41), 17873-17882, 2013
Surfactant-Mediated Polyelectrolyte Self-Assembly in a Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Complex
M Goswami, JM Borreguero, PA Pincus, BG Sumpter
Macromolecules 48, 9050-9059, 2015
Effect of polymer-filler interaction strengths on the thermodynamic and dynamic properties of polymer nanocomposites
M Goswami, BG Sumpter
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (13), 2009
Computer simulations of ionomer self-assembly and dynamics
M Goswami, SK Kumar, A Bhattacharya, JF Douglas
Macromolecules 40 (12), 4113-4118, 2007
End‐group composition of poly(3‐hexylthiophene)s prepared by in situ quenching of the grignard metathesis polymerization: Influence of additives and reaction …
WM Kochemba, SM Kilbey, DL Pickel
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 50 (14), 2762-2769, 2012
Tunable morphologies from charged block copolymers
M Goswami, BG Sumpter, T Huang, JM Messman, SP Gido, ...
Soft Matter 6 (24), 6146-6154, 2010
In situ formation of pyridyl-functionalized poly (3-hexylthiophene) s via quenching of the grignard metathesis polymerization: Toward ligands for semiconductor quantum dots
WM Kochemba, DL Pickel, BG Sumpter, J Chen, SM Kilbey
Chemistry of Materials 24 (22), 4459-4467, 2012
Organic solar cells: materials, devices, interfaces, and modeling
Q Qiao
CRC press, 2017
Anomalous chain diffusion in polymer nanocomposites for varying polymer-filler interaction strengths
M Goswami, BG Sumpter
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (4 …, 2010
Stable salt hydrate-based thermal energy storage materials
Y Li, N Kumar, J Hirschey, DO Akamo, K Li, T Tugba, M Goswami, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 233, 109621, 2022
Unraveling the agglomeration mechanism in charged block copolymer and surfactant complexes
JM Borreguero, PA Pincus, BG Sumpter, M Goswami
Macromolecules 50 (3), 1193-1205, 2017
Machine learning enabled acoustic detection of sub-nanomolar concentration of trypsin and plasmin in solution
M Tatarko, ES Muckley, V Subjakova, M Goswami, BG Sumpter, T Hianik, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 272, 282-288, 2018
Petascale simulations of the morphology and the molecular interface of bulk heterojunctions
JMY Carrillo, Z Seibers, R Kumar, MA Matheson, JF Ankner, M Goswami, ...
ACS nano 10 (7), 7008-7022, 2016
Effect of macromolecular architecture on the morphology of polystyrene–polyisoprene block copolymers
C Dyer, P Driva, SW Sides, BG Sumpter, JW Mays, J Chen, R Kumar, ...
Macromolecules 46 (5), 2023-2031, 2013
Morphologies of ABC Triblock terpolymer melts containing Poly (Cyclohexadiene): Effects of conformational asymmetry
R Kumar, SW Sides, M Goswami, BG Sumpter, K Hong, X Wu, TP Russell, ...
Langmuir 29 (6), 1995-2006, 2013
Breakdown of inverse morphologies in charged diblock copolymers
M Goswami, R Kumar, BG Sumpter, J Mays
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (13), 3330-3338, 2011
Understanding supercooling mechanism in sodium sulfate decahydrate phase-change material
M Goswami, N Kumar, Y Li, J Hirschey, TJ LaClair, DO Akamo, S Sultan, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 129 (24), 2021
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Articles 1–20