Thibaut Lust
Thibaut Lust
Sorbonne Université
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The multiobjective multidimensional knapsack problem: a survey and a new approach
T Lust, J Teghem
International Transactions in Operational Research 19 (4), 495-520, 2012
Two-phase Pareto local search for the biobjective traveling salesman problem
T Lust, J Teghem
Journal of Heuristics 16 (3), 475-510, 2010
Exact and heuristic methods for the selective maintenance problem
T Lust, O Roux, F Riane
European journal of operational research 197 (3), 1166-1177, 2009
The multiobjective traveling salesman problem: A survey and a new approach
T Lust, J Teghem
Advances in Multi-Objective Nature Inspired Computing, 119-141, 2010
Speed-up techniques for solving large-scale biobjective TSP
T Lust, A Jaszkiewicz
Computers & Operations Research 37 (3), 521-533, 2010
ND-tree-based update: a fast algorithm for the dynamic nondominance problem
A Jaszkiewicz, T Lust
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 22 (5), 778-791, 2018
Multi-objective approaches for the open-pit mining operational planning problem
VN Coelho, MJF Souza, IM Coelho, FG Guimarães, T Lust, RC Cruz
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 39, 233-240, 2012
An interactive regret-based genetic algorithm for solving multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems
N Benabbou, C Leroy, T Lust
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (03), 2335-2342, 2020
Variable and large neighborhood search to solve the multiobjective set covering problem
T Lust, D Tuyttens
Journal of Heuristics 20, 165-188, 2014
Generic Pareto local search metaheuristic for optimization of targeted offers in a bi-objective direct marketing campaign
VN Coelho, TA Oliveira, IM Coelho, BN Coelho, PJ Fleming, ...
Computers & Operations Research 78, 578-587, 2017
Memots: a memetic algorithm integrating tabu search for combinatorial multiobjective optimization
T Lust, J Teghem
RAIRO-Operations Research 42 (1), 3-33, 2008
A two‐phase Pareto local search heuristic for the bi‐objective pollution‐routing problem
L Costa, T Lust, R Kramer, A Subramanian
Networks 72 (3), 311-336, 2018
Very large-scale neighborhood search for solving multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems
T Lust, J Teghem, D Tuyttens
International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, 254-268, 2011
Choquet integral versus weighted sum in multicriteria decision contexts
T Lust
Algorithmic Decision Theory: 4th International Conference, ADT 2015 …, 2015
New metaheuristics for solving MOCO problems: application to the knapsack problem, the traveling salesman problem and IMRT optimization
T Lust
Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, 2010
Proper balance between search towards and along Pareto front: biobjective TSP case study
A Jaszkiewicz, T Lust
Annals of Operations Research 254, 111-130, 2017
Choquet optimal set in biobjective combinatorial optimization
T Lust, A Rolland
Computers & Operations Research 40 (10), 2260-2269, 2013
Combining local search and elicitation for multi-objective combinatorial optimization
N Benabbou, C Leroy, T Lust, P Perny
Algorithmic Decision Theory: 6th International Conference, ADT 2019, Durham …, 2019
Multicriteria maintenance problem resolved by tabu search
L Thibaut, T Jacques
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (3), 481-486, 2006
An interactive polyhedral approach for multi-objective combinatorial optimization with incomplete preference information
N Benabbou, T Lust
Scalable Uncertainty Management: 13th International Conference, SUM 2019 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20