Ishtiaq Ali
Ishtiaq Ali
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Secure service provisioning scheme for lightweight IoT devices with a fair payment system and an incentive mechanism based on blockchain
TA Alghamdi, I Ali, N Javaid, M Shafiq
IEEE Access 8, 1048-1061, 2019
Reputation system for IoT data monetization using blockchain
A Javaid, M Zahid, I Ali, RJUH Khan, Z Noshad, N Javaid
Advances on Broad-Band Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications …, 2020
Towards void hole alleviation: enhanced GEographic and opportunistic routing protocols in harsh underwater WSNs
M Awais, I Ali, TA Alghamdi, M Ramzan, M Tahir, M Akbar, N Javaid
IEEE Access 8, 96592-96605, 2020
A new meta-heuristic optimization algorithm inspired from strawberry plant for demand side management in smart grid
MS Khan, CH Anwar ul Hassan, HA Sadiq, I Ali, A Rauf, N Javaid
Advances in Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems: The 9th …, 2018
An incentive mechanism for secure service provisioning for lightweight clients based on blockchain
I Ali, N Javaid, S Iqbal
Master’s Thesis, 2019
Automatic identification of abnormal blood smear images using color and morphology variation of RBCS and central pallor
S Rahman, B Azam, SU Khan, M Awais, I Ali
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 87, 101813, 2021
Node recovery in wireless sensor networks via blockchain
RJ ul Hussen Khan, Z Noshad, A Javaid, M Zahid, I Ali, N Javaid
Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing: Proceedings …, 2020
Blockchain based balancing of electricity demand and supply
M Zahid, I Ali, RJUH Khan, Z Noshad, A Javaid, N Javaid
Advances on Broad-Band Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications …, 2020
An Efficient Credit Card Fraud Detection System using Deep-learning based Approaches
I Ali, K Aurangzeb, M Awais, S Aslam
2020 IEEE 23rd International Multitopic Conference (INMIC), 1-6, 2020
Electricity load and price forecasting using enhanced machine learning techniques
H Bano, A Tahir, I Ali, RJH Khan, A Haseeb, N Javaid
Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing: Proceedings …, 2020
A blockchain based incentive mechanism for crowd sensing network
Z Noshad, A Javaid, M Zahid, I Ali, RJH Khan, N Javaid
Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing: Proceedings …, 2020
Home energy management based on harmony search algorithm and crow search algorithm
I Ali, Pamir, MS Khan, HA Sadiq, SH Faraz, N Javaid
Advances in Network-Based Information Systems: The 20th International …, 2018
Secure service provisioning scheme for lightweight clients with incentive mechanism based on blockchain
I Ali, RJ ul Hussen Khan, Z Noshad, A Javaid, M Zahid, N Javaid
Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing: Proceedings …, 2020
Enhanced differential evolution and crow search algorithm based home energy management in smart grid
Pamir, S Javaid, I Ali, N Mushtaq, Z Faiz, HA Sadiq, N Javaid
Advances on Broad-Band Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications …, 2018
Comparison of BFA and EWA in Home Energy Management System Using RTP
SH Faraz, S ur Rehman, MA Sarwar, I Ali, M Farooqi, N Javaid
Advances in Network-Based Information Systems: The 20th International …, 2018
Demand Side Management Using Strawberry and Enhanced Differential Evolution Algorithms
HA Sadiq, MS Khan, I Ali, I Ali, Pamir, N Javaid
Advances in Network-Based Information Systems: The 20th International …, 2018
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Articles 1–16