Fauzia Idrees Abro
Cited by
Cited by
PIndroid: A novel Android malware detection system using ensemble learning methods
F Idrees, M Rajarajan, M Conti, TM Chen, Y Rahulamathavan
Computers & Security 68, 36-46, 2017
Investigating the android intents and permissions for malware detection
F Idrees, M Rajarajan
2014 IEEE 10th international conference on wireless and mobile computing …, 2014
A generic technique for voice over internet protocol (voip) traffic detection
FI Abro
IJCSNS 8 (2), 52-60, 2008
Towards security of GSM voice communication
FI Abro, F Rauf, BS Chowdhry, M Rajarajan
Wireless Personal Communications 108 (3), 1933-1955, 2019
Framework for distributed and self-healing hybrid intrusion detection and prevention system
F Idrees, M Rajarajan, AY Memon
2013 International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC), 277-282, 2013
AndroPIn: Correlating Android permissions and intents for malware detection
F Idrees, M Rajarajan, TM Chen, Y Rahulamathavan, A Naureen
2017 8th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile …, 2017
Investigating Android permissions and intents for malware detection
FI Abro
City, University of London, 2018
Android Application Collusion Demystified
Fauzia Idrees Abro, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, Thomas M. Chen, Rahulamathavan Y.
Future Network Systems and Security, Communications in Computer and …, 2016
An Efficient Speech Coding Technique for Secure Mobile Communications
FI Abro, F Rauf, M Batool, BS Chowdhry, S Aslam
The IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile …, 2018
War against mobile malware with cloud computing and machine learning forces
F Idrees, R Muttukrishnan
2014 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), 278-280, 2014
Mobile Malware detection with permissions and intents analysis
FI Abro
The 18th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications …, 2017
Future Network Systems and Security
R Doss, S Piramuthu
Springer International Publishing AG, 2016
Towards effectively securing GSM Voice Communications (in press)
FI Abro, F Rauf, Mobeen-ur-Rahman, BS Chowdhry, M Rajarajan
Wireless Personal Communication 103 (370), 2019
End to End Secure Voice Communication over GSM Channel
FI Abro
33rd IEEEP Seminar, 2018
MobiSec: Effective security of GSM Voice Communications
FI Abro, F Rauf, Mobeen-ur-Rahman, BS Chowdhry, M Rajarajan
The 5th Global Conference on Wireless & Optical Communications, 2018
Skype Security Features
FI Abro
International Cryptology Workshop and Conference, Malaysia, 315-323, 2008
Secure mobile agent computing paradigm for distributed environments
FI Abro
10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, Thailand, 2007
Mobeen-ur-Rehman, Chowdhry, BS and Rajarajan, M.(2019). Towards Security of GSM Voice Communication
FI Abro, F Rauf
Wireless Personal Communications, doi 10, 0
End to End Secure Voice Communication over GSM
M Batool, FI Abro, LA Khan, I Hussain, A Masood
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Articles 1–19