Muwei Jian
Muwei Jian
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Cited by
ConvUNeXt: An efficient convolution neural network for medical image segmentation
Z Han, M Jian, GG Wang
Knowledge-based systems 253, 109512, 2022
Underwater image processing and analysis: A review
M Jian, X Liu, H Luo, X Lu, H Yu, J Dong
Signal Processing: Image Communication 91, 116088, 2021
Visual-patch-attention-aware saliency detection
M Jian, KM Lam, J Dong, L Shen
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 45 (8), 1575-1586, 2014
Enhancing MOEA/D with information feedback models for large-scale many-objective optimization
Y Zhang, GG Wang, K Li, WC Yeh, M Jian, J Dong
Information Sciences 522, 1-16, 2020
Simultaneous hallucination and recognition of low-resolution faces based on singular value decomposition
M Jian, KM Lam
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 25 (11), 1761 …, 2015
Integrating QDWD with pattern distinctness and local contrast for underwater saliency detection
M Jian, Q Qi, J Dong, Y Yin, KM Lam
Journal of visual communication and image representation 53, 31-41, 2018
Deep multiscale fusion hashing for cross-modal retrieval
X Nie, B Wang, J Li, F Hao, M Jian, Y Yin
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 31 (1), 401-410, 2020
A brief survey of visual saliency detection
I Ullah, M Jian, S Hussain, J Guo, H Yu, X Wang, Y Yin
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 34605-34645, 2020
Facial-feature detection and localization based on a hierarchical scheme
M Jian, KM Lam, J Dong
Information Sciences 262, 1-14, 2014
Saliency detection based on directional patches extraction and principal local color contrast
M Jian, W Zhang, H Yu, C Cui, X Nie, H Zhang, Y Yin
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 57, 1-11, 2018
The extended marine underwater environment database and baseline evaluations
M Jian, Q Qi, H Yu, J Dong, C Cui, X Nie, H Zhang, Y Yin, KM Lam
Applied Soft Computing 80, 425-437, 2019
Visual saliency detection by integrating spatial position prior of object with background cues
M Jian, J Wang, H Yu, G Wang, X Meng, L Yang, J Dong, Y Yin
Expert Systems with Applications 168, 114219, 2021
Texture image classification using visual perceptual texture features and gabor wavelet
M Jian, L Liu
J. Comput 4 (8), 763, 2009
A novel face-hallucination scheme based on singular value decomposition
M Jian, KM Lam, J Dong
Pattern Recognition 46 (11), 3091-3102, 2013
Change detection in SAR images based on deep semi-NMF and SVD networks
F Gao, X Liu, J Dong, G Zhong, M Jian
Remote Sensing 9 (5), 435, 2017
Learning the traditional art of Chinese calligraphy via three-dimensional reconstruction and assessment
M Jian, J Dong, M Gong, H Yu, L Nie, Y Yin, KM Lam
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 22 (4), 970-979, 2019
The OUC-vision large-scale underwater image database
M Jian, Q Qi, J Dong, Y Yin, W Zhang, KM Lam
2017 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 1297-1302, 2017
Normattention-psn: A high-frequency region enhanced photometric stereo network with normalized attention
Y Ju, B Shi, M Jian, L Qi, J Dong, KM Lam
International Journal of Computer Vision 130 (12), 3014-3034, 2022
Region based parallel hierarchy convolutional neural network for automatic facial nerve paralysis evaluation
X Liu, Y Xia, H Yu, J Dong, M Jian, TD Pham
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 28 (10 …, 2020
Image retrieval using wavelet-based salient regions
MW Jian, JY Dong, J Ma
The Imaging Science Journal 59 (4), 219-231, 2011
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