Momoko Ichinokawa
Momoko Ichinokawa
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The status of Japanese fisheries relative to fisheries around the world
M Ichinokawa, H Okamura, H Kurota
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (5), 1277-1287, 2017
Using adaptive area stratification to standardize catch rates with application to North Pacific swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
M Ichinokawa, J Brodziak
Fisheries Research 106 (3), 249-260, 2010
Climate change and interspecific interactions drive species alternations between anchovy and sardine in the western North Pacific: Detection of causality by convergent cross …
SI Nakayama, A Takasuka, M Ichinokawa, H Okamura
Fisheries Oceanography 27 (4), 312-322, 2018
Marginal increment analysis: a new statistical approach of testing for temporal periodicity in fish age verification
H Okamura, AE Punt, Y Semba, M Ichinokawa
Journal of Fish Biology 82 (4), 1239-1249, 2013
An asymmetric logistic regression model for ecological data
O Komori, S Eguchi, S Ikeda, H Okamura, M Ichinokawa, S Nakayama
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7 (2), 249-260, 2016
Target-based catch-per-unit-effort standardization in multispecies fisheries
H Okamura, SH Morita, T Funamoto, M Ichinokawa, S Eguchi
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75 (3), 452-463, 2018
Natal origin of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis inferred from otolith oxygen isotope composition
JC Shiao, SW Wang, K Yokawa, M Ichinokawa, Y Takeuchi, YG Chen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 420, 207-219, 2010
Data conflict caused by model mis-specification of selectivity in an integrated stock assessment model and its potential effects on stock status estimation
M Ichinokawa, H Okamura, Y Takeuchi
Fisheries Research 158, 147-157, 2014
Transoceanic migration rates of young North Pacific albacore, Thunnus alalunga, from conventional tagging data
M Ichinokawa, AL Coan, Y Takeuchi
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 (8), 1681-1691, 2008
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the Pacific chub mackerel revealed by standardized abundance indices
M Hashimoto, S Nishijima, R Yukami, C Watanabe, Y Kamimura, ...
Fisheries Research 219, 105315, 2019
Effective time closures: quantifying the conservation benefits of input control for the Pacific chub mackerel fishery
M Ichinokawa, H Okamura, C Watanabe, A Kawabata, Y Oozeki
Ecological Applications 25 (6), 1566-1584, 2015
Drivers of recruitment dynamics in Japanese major fisheries resources: effects of environmental conditions and spawner abundance
H Kurota, CS Szuwalski, M Ichinokawa
Fisheries Research 221, 105353, 2020
Review of stock evaluation methods using VPA for fishery stocks in Japan: implementation with R
HO Momoko Ichinokawa
Bulletin of Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography 78 (104-113), 2014
Ridge virtual population analysis to reduce the instability of fishing mortalities in the terminal year
H Okamura, Y Yamashita, M Ichinokawa
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (9), 2427-2436, 2017
管理目標の数値化による最適な ABC 算定規則の探索
市野川桃子, 岡村寛, 黒田啓行, 由上龍嗣, 田中寛繁, 柴田泰宙, ...
日本水産学会誌 81 (2), 206-218, 2015
Spatiotemporal catch distribution of age-0 Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis caught by the Japanese troll fishery in relation to surface sea temperature and …
M Ichinokawa, H Okamura, K Oshima, K Yokawa, Y Takeuchi
Fisheries Science 80, 1181-1191, 2014
Evaluation of the sensitivity of biological reference points to the spatio-temporal distribution of fishing effort when seasonal migrations are sex-specific
H Okamura, MK McAllister, M Ichinokawa, L Yamanaka, K Holt
Fisheries research 158, 116-123, 2014
Size-dependent carbon flow in the epipelagic food web of the Western Equatorial Pacific
M Ichinokawa, M Mac Takahashi
Marine Ecology Progress Series 313, 13-26, 2006
岡村寛, 市野川桃子
統計数理 64 (1), 39-57, 2016
Commentary: stock status assessments for 12 exploited fishery species in the Tsushima Warm Current region, Southwest Japan and East China, using the CMSY and BSM methods
M Miyagawa, M Ichinokawa, M Yoda, H Kurota, S Ohshimo, H Nishida
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 703039, 2021
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Articles 1–20