Hyojin Sung
Hyojin Sung
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Cited by
A type and effect system for deterministic parallel Java
RL Bocchino Jr, VS Adve, D Dig, SV Adve, S Heumann, R Komuravelli, ...
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object oriented …, 2009
DeNovo: Rethinking the memory hierarchy for disciplined parallelism
B Choi, R Komuravelli, H Sung, R Smolinski, N Honarmand, SV Adve, ...
2011 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation …, 2011
Parallel SAH kD tree construction.
B Choi, R Komuravelli, V Lu, H Sung, RL Bocchino Jr, SV Adve, JC Hart
High performance graphics, 77-86, 2010
DeNovoND: Efficient hardware support for disciplined non-determinism
H Sung, R Komuravelli, SV Adve
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 48 (4), 13-26, 2013
DeNovoSync: Efficient support for arbitrary synchronization without writer-initiated invalidations
H Sung, SV Adve
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 43 (1), 545-559, 2015
Parallel SAH kD Tree construction for fast dynamic scene ray tracing
B Choi, R Komuravelli, V Lu, H Sung, RL Bocchino Jr
Denovo: Rethinking hardware for disciplined parallelism
B Choi, R Komuravelli, H Sung, R Bocchino, S Adve, V Adve
Proceedings of the Second USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism (HotPar), 2010
A type and effect system for deterministic parallel java
SV Adve, S Heumann, R Komuravelli, J Overbey, P Simmons, H Sung, ...
In Proc. Intl. Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and …, 2009
DeNovo: rethinking the memory hierarchy for disciplined parallelism
H Sung
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015
A type and effect system for deterministic parallelism in object-oriented languages
RL Bocchino Jr, VS Adve, D Dig, S Heumann, R Komuravelli, J Overbey, ...
Eliminating on-chip traffic waste: are we there yet?
R Smolinski, R Komuravelli, H Sung, SV Adve
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and …, 2015
A Language for Deterministic-by-Default Parallel Programming
RL Bocchino Jr, S Heumann, N Honarmand, R Komuravelli, J Overbey, ...
Parallel SAH kD Tree Construction for Fast Dynamic Scene Ray Tracing
BCRKV Lu, H Sung, RL Bocchino, SV Adve, JC Hart
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Articles 1–13