Peter Bella
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Cited by
Wrinkles as the result of compressive stresses in an annular thin film
P Bella, RV Kohn
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 67 (5), 693-747, 2014
Local boundedness and Harnack inequality for solutions of linear nonuniformly elliptic equations
P Bella, M Schäffner
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 74 (3), 453-477, 2021
On the regularity of minimizers for scalar integral functionals with (p, q)-growth
P Bella, M Schäffner
Analysis & PDE 13 (7), 2241-2257, 2020
Dimension reduction for compressible viscous fluids
P Bella, E Feireisl, A Novotný
Acta applicandae mathematicae 134, 111-121, 2014
Metric-induced wrinkling of a thin elastic sheet
P Bella, RV Kohn
Journal of Nonlinear Science 24, 1147-1176, 2014
A Liouville theorem for elliptic systems with degenerate ergodic coefficients
P Bella, B Fehrman, F Otto
The Annals of Applied Probability 28 (3), 1379-1422, 2018
Labeling planar graphs with a condition at distance two
P Bella, B Mohar, K Quittnerová
European Journal of Combinatorics 28 (8), 2201-2239, 2007
Stochastic homogenization of linear elliptic equations: Higher-order error estimates in weak norms via second-order correctors
P Bella, B Fehrman, J Fischer, F Otto
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 49 (6), 4658-4703, 2017
Quenched invariance principle for random walks among random degenerate conductances
P Bella, M Schäffner
Quantitative stochastic homogenization: local control of homogenization error through corrector
P Bella, A Giunti, F Otto
arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.02487, 2015
Study of island formation in epitaxially strained films on unbounded domains
P Bella, M Goldman, B Zwicknagl
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 218, 163-217, 2015
Lipschitz bounds for integral functionals with (p,q)-growth conditions
P Bella, M Schäffner
Advances in Calculus of Variations 17 (2), 373-390, 2024
Nucleation barriers at corners for a cubic-to-tetragonal phase transformation
P Bella, M Goldman
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 145 (4 …, 2015
Wrinkling of a thin circular sheet bonded to a spherical substrate
P Bella, RV Kohn
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2017
Non-uniformly parabolic equations and applications to the random conductance model
P Bella, M Schäffner
Probability Theory and Related Fields 182 (1), 353-397, 2022
Effective multipoles in random media
P Bella, A Giunti, F Otto
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 45 (6), 561-640, 2020
Corrector estimates for elliptic systems with random periodic coefficients
P Bella, F Otto
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 14 (4), 1434-1462, 2016
Coarsening of folds in hanging drapes
P Bella, RV Kohn
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 70 (5), 978-1021, 2017
Long time behavior of weak solutions to Navier–Stokes–Poisson system
P Bella
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 14 (2), 279-294, 2012
Inverse of divergence and homogenization of compressible Navier–Stokes equations in randomly perforated domains
P Bella, F Oschmann
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 247 (2), 14, 2023
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Articles 1–20