Sandy Venneman Ph.D.
Sandy Venneman Ph.D.
Professor, Departments of Psychology & Biology UHV
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Cited by
“Allow natural death” versus “do not resuscitate”: three words that can change a life
SS Venneman, P Narnor-Harris, M Perish, M Hamilton
Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1), 2-6, 2008
Demographic and attitudinal correlates of employee satisfaction with an ESOP
DE Hallock, RJ Salazar, S Venneman
British Journal of Management 15 (4), 321-333, 2004
Sniffing out efficacy: Sniffy Lite, a virtual animal lab
SS Venneman, LR Knowles
Teaching of Psychology 32 (1), 66-68, 2005
Using a written journal technique to enhance inquiry-based reflection about teaching
J Fry, C Klages, S Venneman
Reading Improvement 55 (1), 39-48, 2018
Variation in neurophysiological function and evidence of quantitative electroencephalogram discordance: predicting cocaine-dependent treatment attrition
S Venneman, A Leuchter, G Bartzokis, M Beckson, SL Simon, M Schaefer, ...
The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 18 (2), 208-216, 2006
Learning Styles Impact the Efficacy of Demonstrations used to Increase Understanding of Neuronal Properties
SS Venneman, ER Rangel, RM Westphal
European Journal of Social Sciences 24 (3), 2011
Cheap But Not Too Dirty The Value of Chemistry Demonstrations in Teaching Neuronal Physiology to Psychology Majors
SS Venneman, RM Westphal, JK Perez
European Journal of Social Sciences 12 (1), 2009
Business Undergraduate Personality Temperaments, Student Electronic Activity and Selected Demographic Characteristics on Course Achievement in an On-line University Learning …
TA Le Sage, SS Venneman, BA Patton, DE Hallock
Editorial Advisory Board 5 (4), 8, 2008
A commentary on Micah Bregman et al.: A method for testing synchronization to a musical beat in domestic horses (Equus ferus caballus)
S Venneman
Empirical Musicology Review 7 (3-4), 160-163, 2012
Improving Communication Style Awareness in a Teacher Preparation Program
SS Venneman, JD Fry, M Mayaorga
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science 5 (1), 10-19, 2014
Business undergraduate personality temperaments, student electronic activity and selected demographic characteristics on course achievement in an on-line university learning …
TAL Sage, SS Venneman, BA Patton, DE Hallock
European Journal of Social Sciences, 2008
Psychological distress: A profile of alopecia areata patients.
S Venneman, E Siegfried, J Cross
The Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings 8 (2), 2003
Psychophysiological measures of anesthetic depth
S Venneman, AM Anch, J Dyche
Psychobiology 25, 171-179, 1997
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Articles 1–13