Fiona Walter
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Member checking: a tool to enhance trustworthiness or merely a nod to validation?
L Birt, S Scott, D Cavers, C Campbell, F Walter
Qualitative health research 26 (13), 1802-1811, 2016
The Aarhus statement: improving design and reporting of studies on early cancer diagnosis
D Weller, P Vedsted, G Rubin, FM Walter, J Emery, S Scott, C Campbell, ...
British journal of cancer 106 (7), 1262-1267, 2012
BOADICEA: a comprehensive breast cancer risk prediction model incorporating genetic and nongenetic risk factors
A Lee, N Mavaddat, AN Wilcox, AP Cunningham, T Carver, S Hartley, ...
Genetics in medicine 21 (8), 1708-1718, 2019
The expanding role of primary care in cancer control
G Rubin, A Berendsen, SM Crawford, R Dommett, C Earle, J Emery, ...
The lancet oncology 16 (12), 1231-1272, 2015
The Andersen Model of Total Patient Delay: a systematic review of its application in cancer diagnosis
F Walter, A Webster, S Scott, J Emery
Journal of health services research & policy 17 (2), 110-118, 2012
“Medication career” or “moral career”? The two sides of managing antidepressants: a meta-ethnography of patients' experience of antidepressants
A Malpass, A Shaw, D Sharp, F Walter, G Feder, M Ridd, D Kessler
Social science & medicine 68 (1), 154-168, 2009
Factors associated with the presence of diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of diabetes in children and young adults: a systematic review
JA Usher-Smith, MJ Thompson, SJ Sharp, FM Walter
Bmj 343, 2011
Psychological impact of genetic counseling for familial cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
D Braithwaite, J Emery, F Walter, AT Prevost, S Sutton
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 96 (2), 122-133, 2004
Acceptability and accuracy of a non-endoscopic screening test for Barrett’s oesophagus in primary care: cohort study
SR Kadri, P Lao-Sirieix, M O’Donovan, I Debiram, M Das, JM Blazeby, ...
Bmj 341, 2010
Lay understanding of familial risk of common chronic diseases: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative research
FM Walter, J Emery, D Braithwaite, TM Marteau
The Annals of Family Medicine 2 (6), 583-594, 2004
The model of pathways to treatment: conceptualization and integration with existing theory
SE Scott, FM Walter, A Webster, S Sutton, J Emery
British journal of health psychology 18 (1), 45-65, 2013
Variation between countries in the frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis at first presentation of type 1 diabetes in children: a systematic review
JA Usher-Smith, M Thompson, A Ercole, FM Walter
Diabetologia 55, 2878-2894, 2012
Symptoms and other factors associated with time to diagnosis and stage of lung cancer: a prospective cohort study
FM Walter, G Rubin, C Bankhead, HC Morris, N Hall, K Mills, C Dobson, ...
British journal of cancer 112 (1), S6-S13, 2015
Dermoscopy, with and without visual inspection, for diagnosing melanoma in adults
J Dinnes, JJ Deeks, N Chuchu, LF di Ruffano, RN Matin, DR Thomson, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018
Algorithm based smartphone apps to assess risk of skin cancer in adults: systematic review of diagnostic accuracy studies
K Freeman, J Dinnes, N Chuchu, Y Takwoingi, SE Bayliss, RN Matin, ...
bmj 368, 2020
Diagnosis of cancer as an emergency: a critical review of current evidence
Y Zhou, GA Abel, W Hamilton, K Pritchard-Jones, CP Gross, FM Walter, ...
Nature reviews Clinical oncology 14 (1), 45-56, 2017
General practitioners’ and patients’ models of obesity: whose problem is it?
J Ogden, I Bandara, H Cohen, D Farmer, J Hardie, H Minas, J Moore, ...
Patient education and counseling 44 (3), 227-233, 2001
Cytosponge-trefoil factor 3 versus usual care to identify Barrett's oesophagus in a primary care setting: a multicentre, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial
RC Fitzgerald, M di Pietro, M O'Donovan, R Maroni, B Muldrew, ...
The Lancet 396 (10247), 333-344, 2020
Teledermatology for diagnosing skin cancer in adults
N Chuchu, J Dinnes, Y Takwoingi, RN Matin, SE Bayliss, C Davenport, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018 (12), 1996
Symptoms, unmet needs, psychological well‐being and health status in survivors of prostate cancer: implications for redesigning follow‐up
E Watson, B Shinkins, E Frith, D Neal, F Hamdy, F Walter, D Weller, ...
BJU international 117 (6B), E10-E19, 2016
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Articles 1–20