Matthias Bentert
Cited by
Cited by
Efficient computation of optimal temporal walks under waiting-time constraints
M Bentert, AS Himmel, A Nichterlein, R Niedermeier
Applied Network Science 5, 1-26, 2020
Listing All Maximal k-Plexes in Temporal Graphs
M Bentert, AS Himmel, H Molter, M Morik, R Niedermeier, R Saitenmacher
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 24, 1-27, 2019
Parameterized aspects of triangle enumeration
M Bentert, T Fluschnik, A Nichterlein, R Niedermeier
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 103, 61-77, 2019
An adaptive version of Brandes' algorithm for betweenness centrality
M Bentert, A Dittmann, L Kellerhals, A Nichterlein, R Niedermeier
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.06701, 2018
Using a Geometric Lens to Find -Disjoint Shortest Paths
M Bentert, A Nichterlein, M Renken, P Zschoche
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 37 (3), 1674-1703, 2023
Comparing election methods where each voter ranks only few candidates
M Bentert, P Skowron
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (02), 2218-2225, 2020
Efficient computation of optimal temporal walks under waiting-time constraints
AS Himmel, M Bentert, A Nichterlein, R Niedermeier
International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, 494-506, 2019
Inductive -independent graphs and c-colorable subgraphs in scheduling: a review
M Bentert, R van Bevern, R Niedermeier
Journal of Scheduling 22 (1), 3-20, 2019
Good things come to those who swap objects on paths
M Bentert, J Chen, V Froese, GJ Woeginger
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.04219, 2019
Cluster editing with overlapping communities
E Arrighi, M Bentert, PG Drange, BD Sullivan, P Wolf
18th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC 2023), 2023
Parameterized complexity of diameter
M Bentert, A Nichterlein
Algorithmica 85 (2), 325-351, 2023
Length-bounded cuts: Proper interval graphs and structural parameters
M Bentert, K Heeger, D Knop
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 126, 21-43, 2022
Analysis of an ontological proof proposed by Leibniz
M Bentert, C Benzmüller, D Streit, BW Paleo
Death and Anti-Death 14, 2016
The complexity of gerrymandering over graphs: paths and trees
M Bentert, T Koana, R Niedermeier
Discrete Applied Mathematics 324, 103-112, 2023
Tree containment with soft polytomies
M Bentert, J Malík, M Weller
SWAT 2018 101, 9: 1-9: 14, 2018
Parameterized algorithms for power-efficient connected symmetric wireless sensor networks
M Bentert, R van Bevern, A Nichterlein, R Niedermeier
Algorithms for Sensor Systems: 13th International Symposium on Algorithms …, 2017
Stable matching with multilayer approval preferences: approvals can be harder than strict preferences
M Bentert, N Boehmer, K Heeger, T Koana
Games and Economic Behavior 142, 508-526, 2023
Polynomial-time data reduction for weighted problems beyond additive goal functions
M Bentert, R van Bevern, T Fluschnik, A Nichterlein, R Niedermeier
Discrete Applied Mathematics 328, 117-133, 2023
Correction to: Parameterized Complexity of Min-Power Asymmetric Connectivity
M Bentert, R Haag, C Hofer, T Koana, A Nichterlein
Theory of Computing Systems 65 (7), 1141-1142, 2021
On reachable assignments in cycles and cliques
L Müller, M Bentert
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.02218, 2020
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Articles 1–20