Victor L. Knoop
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Cited by
Special issue on methodological advancements in understanding and managing urban traffic congestion
R Zhong, Z He, AHF Chow, V Knoop
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 18 (1), 1-4, 2022
Integrated lane change model with relaxation and synchronization
WJ Schakel, VL Knoop, B Van Arem
Transportation research record 2316 (1), 47-57, 2012
Routing strategies based on macroscopic fundamental diagram
VL Knoop, SP Hoogendoorn, JWC Van Lint
Transportation Research Record 2315 (1), 1-10, 2012
Link-level vulnerability indicators for real-world networks
VL Knoop, M Snelder, HJ van Zuylen, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 46 (5), 843-854, 2012
Controller design for gating traffic control in presence of time-delay in urban road networks
M Keyvan-Ekbatani, M Papageorgiou, VL Knoop
Transportation Research Procedia 7, 651-668, 2015
Macroscopic traffic dynamics with heterogeneous route patterns
L Leclercq, C Parzani, VL Knoop, J Amourette, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Procedia 7, 631-650, 2015
Lane distribution of traffic near merging zones influence of variable speed limits
VL Knoop, A Duret, C Buisson, B Van Arem
13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2010
Two-dimensional vehicular movement modelling at intersections based on optimal control
J Zhao, VL Knoop, M Wang
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 138, 1-22, 2020
Traffic dynamics: Its impact on the macroscopic fundamental diagram
VL Knoop, H Van Lint, SP Hoogendoorn
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 438, 236-250, 2015
Categorization of the lane change decision process on freeways
M Keyvan-Ekbatani, VL Knoop, W Daamen
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 69, 515-526, 2016
Traffic flow theory and modelling
S Hoogendoorn, V Knoop
The transport system and transport policy: an introduction, 125-159, 2013
Optimal dynamic route guidance: A model predictive approach using the macroscopic fundamental diagram
M Hajiahmadi, VL Knoop, B De Schutter, H Hellendoorn
16th international IEEE conference on intelligent transportation systems …, 2013
Quantifying the number of lane changes in traffic: Empirical analysis
VL Knoop, SP Hoogendoorn, Y Shiomi, C Buisson
Transportation research record 2278 (1), 31-41, 2012
Platoon of SAE level-2 automated vehicles on public roads: Setup, traffic interactions, and stability
VL Knoop, M Wang, I Wilmink, DM Hoedemaeker, M Maaskant, ...
Transportation Research Record 2673 (9), 311-322, 2019
Capacity drop: Relationship between speed in congestion and the queue discharge rate
K Yuan, VL Knoop, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Record 2491 (1), 72-80, 2015
Capacity reduction at incidents: Empirical data collected from a helicopter
VL Knoop, SP Hoogendoorn, HJ Van Zuylen
Transportation research record 2071 (1), 19-25, 2008
Empirics of a generalized macroscopic fundamental diagram for urban freeways
VL Knoop, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation research record 2391 (1), 133-141, 2013
Capacity drops at merges: New analytical investigations
L Leclercq, VL Knoop, F Marczak, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 62, 171-181, 2016
Lane determination with GPS precise point positioning
VL Knoop, PF De Bakker, CCJM Tiberius, B Van Arem
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (9), 2503-2513, 2017
The impact of traffic dynamics on macroscopic fundamental diagram
VL Knoop, SP Hoogendoorn, JWC Van Lint
92nd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board, Washington, USA, 13-17 …, 2013
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Articles 1–20