Assist. Prof. Dr
Assist. Prof. Dr
Istanbul Health and Technology University
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Cited by
Disruption and Ambidexterity: How innovation strategies evolve?
L Alpkan, E Gemici
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 235, 782-787, 2016
Armstrong’un stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi el kitabı
M Armstrong
Çeviri: Prof. Dr. Yonca Deniz Gürol, Evrim Gemici. Nobel Kitabevi. İstanbul, 2017
An application of disruptive innovation theory to create a competitive strategy in Turkish air transportation industry
E Gemici, L Alpkan
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 207, 797-806, 2015
High-performance work systems, learning orientation and innovativeness: the antecedent role of environmental turbulence
E Gemici, C Zehir
European Journal of Innovation Management 26 (2), 475-503, 2023
The relation between high-performance work systems and product innovativeness: The mediating role of technological capabilities and the moderating role of university-industry …
L Alpkan, E Gemici
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 67, 101735, 2023
The role of technology management capabilities in building organizational resilience capacity and product innovativeness: Evidence from the Turkish ICT industry
E Gemici, L Alpkan, C Giglio
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024
The relationship between environmental turbulence and organizational innovativeness
E Gemici, C Zehir
Yildiz Technical University - Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences 3 …, 2019
Armstrong’un stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi el kitabı
YD Gürol, E Gemici
Nobel, Eylül, 2017
Emotional and learning capability and their impac t on team performance and product innovativeness in R&D teams
C Zehir, E Gemici, M Kole
Journal of Business Economics and Finance 6 (2), 88-96, 2017
Armstrong’un Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi El Kitabı (6. Baskı)
M Armstrong
NOBEL Akademik Yayıncılık, 2017
Armstrong's Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management [Armstrong’un Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi El Kitabı]
M Armstrong
Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2017
Armstrong’un Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi El Kitabı, Çev
M Armstrong
Yonca Deniz Gürol, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2017
Disruptive Innovation Theory in Light of Practical Implications
E Gemici, L Alpkan
Conference on Engineering And Technology Management GCETM, 127, 2015
A Comparative Study on Turkey’s Science and Technology (S&T) Indicators
E Gemici, Z Gemici
Economics and Business Quarterly Reviews 4 (3), 2021
High-performance work systems
E Gemici
Strategic Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach, 167-190, 2021
Entrepreneurship in Management Thought
L Alpkan, E Gemici
Management Thought and Henri Fayol, 55-71, 2021
The relationship between environmental turbulence and organizational innovativeness: The impact of learning orientation and high-performance work systems
EÇ Gemici
Yildiz Technical University - Institute of Social Sciences, 2019
Armstrong’un Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi El Kitabı (6. Basımdan Çeviri)
M Armstrong
Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık, 2017
An application of disruptive innovatıon theory with an example from Turkish Airline Industry
E Gemici
Bahcesehir University - Graduate School of Social Sciences, 214
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Articles 1–19