Jacobus Pienaar; Jaco Pienaar; J. Pienaar
Jacobus Pienaar; Jaco Pienaar; J. Pienaar
Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm
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Cited by
Review of 30 years of longitudinal studies on the association between job insecurity and health and well‐being: Is there causal evidence?
H De Witte, J Pienaar, N De Cuyper
Australian Psychologist 51 (1), 18-31, 2016
Burnout, engagement, coping and general health of service employees in the hospitality industry
J Pienaar, SA Willemse
Tourism management 29 (6), 1053-1063, 2008
Competitive intelligence: construct exploration, validation and equivalence
A Saayman, J Pienaar, P De Pelsmacker, W Viviers, L Cuyvers, ML Muller, ...
Aslib Proceedings 60 (4), 383-411, 2008
Occupational stress, personality traits, coping strategies, and suicide ideation in the South African Police Service
J Pienaar, S Rothmann, FJR Van De Vijver
Criminal Justice and Behavior 34 (2), 246-258, 2007
South African correctional official occupational stress: The role of psychological strengths
C Botha, J Pienaar
Journal of Criminal Justice 34 (1), 73-84, 2006
The cognitive/affective distinction of job insecurity: Validation and differential relations
J Pienaar, H De Witte, J Hellgren, M Sverke
Southern African Business Review 17 (2), 1-22, 2013
Towards understanding causality between work engagement and psychological capital
JJ De Waal, J Pienaar
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 39 (2), 1-10, 2013
Work overload, burnout, and psychological ill-health symptoms: a three-wave mediation model of the employee health impairment process
LT De Beer, J Pienaar, S Rothmann Jr
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 29 (4), 387-399, 2016
Management of employee wellness in South Africa: Employer, service provider and union perspectives
C Sieberhagen, J Pienaar, C Els
SA Journal of Human Resource Management 9 (1), 1-14, 2011
Unravelling safety compliance in the mining industry: examining the role of work stress, job insecurity, satisfaction and commitment as antecedents
U Masia, J Pienaar
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 37 (1), 01-10, 2011
Investigating turnover intentions by role overload, job satisfaction and social support moderation
J Pienaar, CF Sieberhagen, K Mostert
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 33 (2), 62-67, 2007
The moderating effect of social support on the relationship between burnout, intention to drop out, and satisfaction with studies of first-year university students
K Mostert, J Pienaar
Journal of Psychology in Africa 30 (3), 197-202, 2020
Burnout and engagement in university students: A psychometric analysis of the MBI-SS and UWES-S
K Mostert, J Pienaar, C Gauche, LTB Jackson
South African Journal of Higher Education 21 (1), 147-162, 2007
Suicide ideation in the South African police service
J Pienaar, S Rothmann
South African Journal of Psychology 35 (1), 58-72, 2005
Coping strategies in the South African police service
J Pienaar, S Rothmann
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 29 (4), 81-90, 2003
A confirmatory investigation of a job demands-resources model using a categorical estimator
L De Beer, S Rothmann Jr, J Pienaar
Psychological Reports 111 (2), 528-544, 2012
Occupational stress in the South African police service
J Pienaar, S Rothmann
SA journal of Industrial Psychology 32 (3), 63-71, 2006
Employee health and wellness in South Africa: The role of legislation and management standards
C Sieberhagen, S Rothmann, J Pienaar
SA Journal of Human Resource Management 7 (1), 1-9, 2009
Job resources, work engagement and the mediating role of positive work-home interaction of police officers in the North West Province
K Mostert, S Cronje, J Pienaar
Acta Criminologica: African Journal Of Criminology & Victimology 19 (3), 64-87, 2006
Investigating the reversed causality of engagement and burnout in job demands-resources theory
LT De Beer, J Pienaar, S Rothmann Jr
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 39 (1), 1-9, 2013
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