Frank Bart ter Haar
Frank Bart ter Haar
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3D whole body scanners revisited
HAM Daanen, FB Ter Haar
Displays 34 (4), 270-275, 2013
Automatic localization of the optic disc in digital colour images of the human retina
F Ter Haar
Utrecht University, 2005
SHREC2007: 3D shape retrieval contest
RC Veltkamp, FB ter Haar
Dept of Info and Comp. Sci., Utrecht University, Technical Report, 2007
A 3D face matching framework
FB Ter Haar, RC Veltkamp
2008 IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, 103-110, 2008
A 3D face matching framework for facial curves
FB Ter Haar, RC Veltkamp
Graphical Models 71 (2), 77-91, 2009
Expression modeling for expression-invariant face recognition
FB ter Haar, RC Veltkamp
Computers & Graphics 34 (3), 231-241, 2010
3D face model fitting for recognition
FB ter Haar, RC Veltkamp
Computer Vision–ECCV 2008: 10th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2008
SHREC2006: 3d shape retrieval contest
RC Veltkamp, R Ruijsenaars, M Spagnuolo, R van Zwol, FB ter Haar
UU WINFI Informatica en Informatiekunde, 2006
VRComm: an end-to-end web system for real-time photorealistic social VR communication
SNB Gunkel, R Hindriks, KME Assal, HM Stokking, ...
Proceedings of the 12th ACM multimedia systems conference, 65-79, 2021
SHREC’08 entry: 3D face recognition using facial contour curves
FB ter Haar, RC Veltkamp
2008 IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, 259-260, 2008
Landmark detection on 3d face scans by facial model registration
T Whitmarsh, RC Veltkamp, M Spagnuolo, S Marini, FB ter Haar
1st international symposium on shapes and semantics, 71-75, 2006
Multi-sensor capture and network processing for virtual reality conferencing
S Dijkstra-Soudarissanane, KE Assal, S Gunkel, F Haar, R Hindriks, ...
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, 316-319, 2019
SHape REtrieval contest 2008: 3D face scans
FB Ter Haar, M Daoudi, RC Veltkamp
2008 IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, 225-226, 2008
What comes after telepresence? embodiment, social presence and transporting one’s functional and social self
JBF Van Erp, C Sallaberry, C Brekelmans, D Dresscher, F Ter Haar, ...
2022 IEEE international conference on systems, man, and cybernetics (SMC …, 2022
Human-robot interaction during virtual reality mediated teleoperation: How environment information affects spatial task performance and operator situation awareness
DB Van de Merwe, L Van Maanen, FB Ter Haar, RJE Van Dijk, N Hoeba, ...
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Applications and Case Studies: 11th …, 2019
Single spin image-ICP matching for efficient 3D object recognition
A Halma, F ter Haar, E Bovenkamp, P Eendebak, A van Eekeren
Proceedings of the ACM workshop on 3D object retrieval, 21-26, 2010
The art of csi: An augmented reality tool (art) to annotate crime scenes in forensic investigation
JW Streefkerk, M Houben, P van Amerongen, F ter Haar, J Dijk
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Systems and Applications: 5th …, 2013
Let’s get in touch! adding haptics to social vr
L Fermoselle, S Gunkel, F ter Haar, S Dijkstra-Soudarissanane, A Toet, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media …, 2020
Automatic multiview quadruple alignment of unordered range scans
FB ter Haar, RC Veltkamp
IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2007 (SMI …, 2007
A comparison of systems and tools for 3D scanning
FB Ter Haar, P Cignoni, P Min, RC Veltkamp
Proceedings of 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling: Applications of Heritage …, 2005
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Articles 1–20