Jeffery Roberts
Jeffery Roberts
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Estimation of permeable pathways and water content using tomographic radar data
SS Hubbard, JE Peterson Jr, EL Majer, PT Zawislanski, KH Williams, ...
The leading EDGE 16 (11), 1623-1630, 1997
Scintillators with potential to supersede lanthanum bromide
NJ Cherepy, SA Payne, SJ Asztalos, G Hull, JD Kuntz, T Niedermayr, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56 (3), 873-880, 2009
Partial‐melt electrical conductivity: Influence of melt composition
JJ Roberts, JA Tyburczy
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B4), 7055-7065, 1999
Frequency dependent electrical properties of polycrystalline olivine compacts
JJ Roberts, JA Tyburczy
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 96 (B10), 16205-16222, 1991
Pore structure of volcanic clasts: measurements of permeability and electrical conductivity
HMN Wright, KV Cashman, EH Gottesfeld, JJ Roberts
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 280 (1-4), 93-104, 2009
Peri-prosthetic bone mineral density after total knee arthroplasty: cemented versus cementless fixation
RB Abu-Rajab, WS Watson, B Walker, J Roberts, SJ Gallacher, ...
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 88 (5), 606-613, 2006
Transparent ceramic scintillators for gamma spectroscopy and radiography
NJ Cherepy, JD Kuntz, ZM Seeley, SE Fisher, OB Drury, BW Sturm, ...
Hard X-ray, gamma-ray, and neutron detector physics XII 7805, 69-73, 2010
Permeability of anisotropic tube pumice: Model calculations and measurements
HMN Wright, JJ Roberts, KV Cashman
Geophysical research letters 33 (17), 2006
High strain rate method of producing optimized fracture networks in reservoirs
JJ Roberts, TH Antoun, IN Lomov
US Patent 9,062,545, 2015
Electrical properties of partially saturated Topopah Spring tuff: Water distribution as a function of saturation
JJ Roberts, W Lin
Water resources research 33 (4), 577-587, 1997
Effect of conductive impurities on electrical conductivity in polycrystalline olivine
HC Watson, JJ Roberts, JA Tyburczy
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (2), 2010
Impedance spectroscopy of single and polycrystalline olivine: Evidence for grain boundary transport
JJ Roberts, JA Tyburczy
Physics and chemistry of minerals 20 (1), 19-26, 1993
Anisotropy of electrical conductivity in dry olivine
WL Du Frane, JJ Roberts, DA Toffelmier, JA Tyburczy
Geophysical research letters 32 (24), 2005
On the relationship between microstructure and electrical and hydraulic properties of sand‐clay mixtures
D Wildenschild, JJ Roberts, ED Carlberg
Geophysical Research Letters 27 (19), 3085-3088, 2000
Electrical properties of polycrystalline methane hydrate
WL Du Frane, LA Stern, KA Weitemeyer, S Constable, JC Pinkston, ...
Geophysical research letters 38 (9), 2011
Low frequency electrical response of polycrystalline olivine compacts: Grain boundary transport
JA Tyburczy, JJ Roberts
Geophysical Research Letters 17 (11), 1985-1988, 1990
Frequency dependent electrical properties of dunite as functions of temperature and oxygen fugacity
JJ Roberts, JA Tyburczy
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 19, 545-561, 1993
Frequency dependent electrical properties of minerals and partial-melts
JJ Roberts, JA Tyburczy
Surveys in Geophysics 15, 239-262, 1994
Transparent ceramic scintillator fabrication, properties, and applications
NJ Cherepy, JD Kuntz, JJ Roberts, TA Hurst, OB Drury, RD Sanner, ...
Hard X-ray, gamma-ray, and neutron detector physics X 7079, 263-268, 2008
Carbon‐enhanced electrical conductivity during fracture of rocks
JJ Roberts, AG Duba, EA Mathez, TJ Shankland, R Kinzler
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B1), 737-747, 1999
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