Luna De Ferrari
Luna De Ferrari
Senior AI Researcher
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Cited by
Uniting cheminformatics and chemical theory to predict the intrinsic aqueous solubility of crystalline druglike molecules
JL McDonagh, N Nath, L De Ferrari, T Van Mourik, JBO Mitchell
Journal of chemical information and modeling 54 (3), 844-856, 2014
Mining housekeeping genes with a Naive Bayes classifier
L De Ferrari, S Aitken
BMC genomics 7, 1-14, 2006
EnzML: multi-label prediction of enzyme classes using InterPro signatures
L De Ferrari, S Aitken, J van Hemert, I Goryanin
BMC bioinformatics 13, 1-12, 2012
Enzyme informatics
R G Alderson, L De Ferrari, L Mavridis, J L McDonagh, J BO Mitchell, ...
Current topics in medicinal chemistry 12 (17), 1911-1923, 2012
From sequence to enzyme mechanism using multi-label machine learning
L De Ferrari, JBO Mitchell
BMC bioinformatics 15, 1-13, 2014
Epigenetics of osteoarticular diseases: recent developments
SB Roberts, E Wootton, L De Ferrari, OM Albagha, DM Salter
Rheumatology international 35, 1293-1305, 2015
WikiSim: simulating knowledge collection and curation in structured wikis
L De Ferrari, S Aitken, J van Hemert, I Goryanin
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Wikis, 1-2, 2008
Why do sequence signatures predict enzyme mechanism? Homology versus chemistry
KE Beattie, L De Ferrari, JBO Mitchell
Evolutionary Bioinformatics 11, EBO. S31482, 2015
Multi-label prediction of enzyme classes using InterPro signatures
L De Ferrari, S Aitken, J Van Hemert, I Goryanin
Mach Learn Syst Biol 123, 1-20, 2010
Effectiveness of holistic assessment–based interventions in improving outcomes in adults with multiple long-term conditions and/or frailty: an umbrella review protocol
S Arakelyan, N Lone, A Anand, N Mikula-Noble, MJ Lyall, L De Ferrari, ...
JBI evidence synthesis 21 (9), 1863-1878, 2023
A model of social collaboration in Molecular Biology knowledge bases
L De Ferrari, S Aitken, J van Hemert, I Goryanin
Pathways 2009, 2007
TaWeka: From biological web services to data mining
L De Ferrari, I Goryanin
poster presented at the 15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent …, 2007
Enzyme mechanism prediction: a template matching problem on InterPro signature subspaces
HY Mussa, L De Ferrari, JBO Mitchell
BMC Research Notes 8, 1-4, 2015
Enzyme informatics
J Mcdonagh, RG Alderson, L De Ferrari, L Mavridis, JL McDonagh, ...
Curr Top Med Chem 12 (17), 1911-23, 2012
Pitfalls in understanding how multiple long-term conditions cluster: whole population and age-stratified associations in 7,490,874 people in England
G Romero Moreno, V Restocchi, N Lone, JD Fleuriot, J Palmer, ...
medRxiv, 2025.02. 06.25321779, 2025
On combining collaborative and automated curation for enzyme function prediction
L De Ferrari
The University of Edinburgh, 2012
Combining collaborative and automated curation for Molecular Biology
L De Ferrari
1: Combining collaborative and automated curation of biological function Title 2: Can we annotate all genomes?
L De Ferrari
Additional File
L De Ferrari, S Aitken, J van Hemert, I Goryanin
This graph represents as red squares the proteins predicted as false positive when training on the mechanism dataset and testing on the negative set (using InterPro attributes …
L De Ferrari, J Mitchell
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Articles 1–20