Paul Sutton
Paul Sutton
Research Fellow, CTVR, University of Dublin, Trinity College
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Cited by
The coasts of our world: Ecological, economic and social importance
ML Martínez, A Intralawan, G Vázquez, O Pérez-Maqueo, P Sutton, ...
Ecological economics 63 (2-3), 254-272, 2007
The value of coastal wetlands for hurricane protection
R Costanza, O Pérez-Maqueo, ML Martinez, P Sutton, SJ Anderson, ...
Ambio, 241-248, 2008
Cyclostationary signatures in practical cognitive radio applications
PD Sutton, KE Nolan, LE Doyle
IEEE Journal on selected areas in Communications 26 (1), 13-24, 2008
Census from Heaven: An estimate of the global human population using night-time satellite imagery
P Sutton, D Roberts, C Elvidge, K Baugh
International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 (16), 3061-3076, 2001
srsLTE: An open-source platform for LTE evolution and experimentation
I Gomez-Miguelez, A Garcia-Saavedra, PD Sutton, P Serrano, C Cano, ...
Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network …, 2016
A comparison of nighttime satellite imagery
P Sutton, D Roberts, C Elvidge, H Meij
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 63 (11), 1303-1313, 1997
Conceptualizing feedback literacy: Knowing, being, and acting
P Sutton
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 49 (1), 31-40, 2012
The Nightsat mission concept
CD Elvidge, P Cinzano, DR Pettit, J Arvesen, P Sutton, C Small, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (12), 2645-2670, 2007
Modeling population density with night-time satellite imagery and GIS
P Sutton
Computers, environment and urban systems 21 (3-4), 227-244, 1997
Iris: an architecture for cognitive radio networking testbeds
PD Sutton, J Lotze, H Lahlou, SA Fahmy, KE Nolan, B Ozgul, ...
IEEE communications magazine 48 (9), 114-122, 2010
Potential for global mapping of development via a nightsat mission
CD Elvidge, J Safran, B Tuttle, P Sutton, P Cinzano, D Pettit, J Arvesen, ...
GeoJournal 69, 45-53, 2007
Cyclostationary signatures for rendezvous in OFDM-based dynamic spectrum access networks
PD Sutton, KE Nolan, LE Doyle
2007 2nd IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum …, 2007
Cyclostationary signature detection in multipath rayleigh fading environments
PD Sutton, J Lotze, KE Nolan, LE Doyle
2007 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless …, 2007
A reconfigurable platform for cognitive networks
P Sutton, LE Doyle, KE Nolan
2006 1st International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless …, 2006
Lost souls? The demoralization of academic labour in the measured university
P Sutton
Academic Life in the Measured University, 173-184, 2020
Cognitive radio for disaster response networks: survey, potential, and challenges
S Ghafoor, PD Sutton, CJ Sreenan, KN Brown
IEEE Wireless Communications 21 (5), 70-80, 2014
A paradoxical academic identity: Fate, utopia and critical hope
P Sutton
Teaching in Higher Education 20 (1), 37-47, 2015
The global value of coastal wetlands for storm protection
R Costanza, SJ Anderson, P Sutton, K Mulder, O Mulder, I Kubiszewski, ...
Global environmental change 70, 102328, 2021
Engaging feedback: meaning, identity and power
P Sutton, W Gill
Practitioner Research in Higher Education 4 (1), 3-13, 2010
Towards dialogic feedback
P Sutton
Critical and Reflective Practice in Education 1 (1), 2009
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Articles 1–20