Norbert Hoffmann
Norbert Hoffmann
Hamburg University of Technology, Imperial College London
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Rogue wave observation in a water wave tank
A Chabchoub, NP Hoffmann, N Akhmediev
Physical Review Letters 106 (20), 204502, 2011
Super rogue waves: observation of a higher-order breather in water waves
A Chabchoub, N Hoffmann, M Onorato, N Akhmediev
Physical Review X 2 (1), 011015, 2012
A minimal model for studying properties of the mode-coupling type instability in friction induced oscillations
N Hoffmann, M Fischer, R Allgaier, L Gaul
Mechanics research communications 29 (4), 197-205, 2002
Effects of damping on mode‐coupling instability in friction induced oscillations
N Hoffmann, L Gaul
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2003
Observation of a hierarchy of up to fifth-order rogue waves in a water tank
A Chabchoub, N Hoffmann, M Onorato, A Slunyaev, A Sergeeva, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (5 …, 2012
Experimental observation of dark solitons on the surface of water
A Chabchoub, O Kimmoun, H Branger, N Hoffmann, D Proment, ...
Physical Review Letters 110, 124101, 2013
Super-rogue waves in simulations based on weakly nonlinear and fully nonlinear hydrodynamic equations
A Slunyaev, E Pelinovsky, A Sergeeva, A Chabchoub, N Hoffmann, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (1 …, 2013
Friction induced vibrations of brakes: research fields and activities
NP Hoffmann, L Gaul
SAE Technical Paper, 2008
Experimental study of spatiotemporally localized surface gravity water waves
A Chabchoub, N Akhmediev, NP Hoffmann
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (1 …, 2012
The influence of component design, bearing clearance and axial load on the squeaking characteristics of ceramic hip articulations
A Hothan, G Huber, C Weiss, N Hoffmann, M Morlock
Journal of Biomechanics 44 (5), 837-841, 2011
Deep learning for brake squeal: Brake noise detection, characterization and prediction
M Stender, M Tiedemann, D Spieler, D Schoepflin, N Hoffmann, S Oberst
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 149, 107181, 2021
The influence of joints on friction induced vibration in brake squeal
S Kruse, M Tiedemann, B Zeumer, P Reuss, H Hetzler, N Hoffmann
Journal of Sound and Vibration 340, 239-252, 2015
A sufficient criterion for the onset of sprag-slip oscillations
N Hoffmann, L Gaul
Archive of Applied Mechanics 73 (9), 650-660, 2004
Experiments on wind-perturbed rogue wave hydrodynamics using the Peregrine breather model
A Chabchoub, N Hoffmann, H Branger, C Kharif, N Akhmediev
Physics of Fluids 25 (10), 2013
Squeak in hip endoprosthesis systems: an experimental study and a numerical technique to analyze design variants
C Weiss, P Gdaniec, NP Hoffmann, A Hothan, G Huber, MM Morlock
Medical Engineering & Physics 32 (6), 604-609, 2010
A numerical study on stick–slip motion of a brake pad in steady sliding
J Behrendt, C Weiss, NP Hoffmann
Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (4), 636-651, 2011
Hydrodynamic supercontinuum
A Chabchoub, N Hoffmann, M Onorato, G Genty, JM Dudley, ...
Physical Review Letters 111 (5), 054104, 2013
Load-separation curves for the contact of self-affine rough surfaces
A Papangelo, N Hoffmann, M Ciavarella
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1-7, 2017
Subcritical bifurcation in a self-excited single-degree-of-freedom system with velocity weakening–strengthening friction law: analytical results and comparison with experiments
A Papangelo, M Ciavarella, N Hoffmann
Nonlinear Dynamics 90 (3), 2037-2046, 2017
Nonlinear time series analysis of vibration data from a friction brake: SSA, PCA, and MFDFA
NK Vitanov, NP Hoffmann, B Wernitz
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 69, 90-99, 2014
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Articles 1–20