Eugene Syriani
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Cited by
AToMPM: A web-based modeling environment
E Syriani, H Vangheluwe, R Mannadiar, C Hansen, S Van Mierlo, H Ergin
Joint proceedings of MODELS'13 Invited Talks, Demonstration Session, Poster …, 2013
Model transformation intents and their properties
L Lúcio, M Amrani, J Dingel, L Lambers, R Salay, GMK Selim, E Syriani, ...
Software & systems modeling 15, 647-684, 2016
Systematic mapping study of template-based code generation
E Syriani, L Luhunu, H Sahraoui
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 52, 43-62, 2018
Explicit transformation modeling
T Kühne, G Mezei, E Syriani, H Vangheluwe, M Wimmer
Models in Software Engineering, 240-255, 2010
Creating visual domain-specific modeling languages from end-user demonstration
H Cho, J Gray, E Syriani
2012 4th International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering (MISE …, 2012
Recommending metamodel concepts during modeling activities with pre-trained language models
M Weyssow, H Sahraoui, E Syriani
Software and Systems Modeling 21 (3), 1071-1089, 2022
Opportunities in intelligent modeling assistance
G Mussbacher, B Combemale, J Kienzle, S Abrahão, H Ali, N Bencomo, ...
Software and Systems Modeling 19, 1045-1053, 2020
A modular timed graph transformation language for simulation-based design
E Syriani, H Vangheluwe
Software & Systems Modeling 12, 387-414, 2013
ProMoBox: a framework for generating domain-specific property languages
B Meyers, R Deshayes, L Lucio, E Syriani, H Vangheluwe, M Wimmer
Software Language Engineering: 7th International Conference, SLE 2014 …, 2014
The magazine archive includes every article published in Communications of the ACM for over the past 50 years.
J Fisher, D Harel, TA Henzinger
Communications of the ACM 54 (10), 72-82, 2011
T-Core: a framework for custom-built model transformation engines
E Syriani, H Vangheluwe, B LaShomb
Software & Systems Modeling 14, 1215-1243, 2015
A hitchhiker's guide to model-driven engineering for data-centric systems
B Combemale, J Kienzle, G Mussbacher, H Ali, D Amyot, M Bagherzadeh, ...
IEEE Software 38 (4), 71-84, 2020
Programmed graph rewriting with time for simulation-based design
E Syriani, H Vangheluwe
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, 91-106, 2008
Modeling a model transformation language
E Syriani, J Gray, H Vangheluwe
Domain Engineering: Product Lines, Languages, and Conceptual Models, 211-237, 2013
De-/re-constructing model transformation languages
E Syriani, H Vangheluwe
Electronic Communications of the EASST 29 (0), 2010
A Multi-Paradigm Foundation for Model Transformation Language Engineering
E Syriani
McGill University, 2011
Challenges for addressing quality factors in model transformation
E Syriani, J Gray
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2012
Collaborative model-driven software engineering: a systematic update
I David, K Aslam, S Faridmoayer, I Malavolta, E Syriani, P Lago
2021 ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering …, 2021
Multi-level modelling in the modelverse
S Van Mierlo, B Barroca, H Vangheluwe, E Syriani, T Kühne
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling co-located with ACM …, 2014
Design pattern oriented development of model transformations
H Ergin, E Syriani, J Gray
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 46, 106-139, 2016
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Articles 1–20