Political fact-checking on Twitter: When do corrections have an effect? DB Margolin, A Hannak, I Weber Political communication 35 (2), 196-219, 2018 | 299 | 2018 |
Rising tides or rising stars?: Dynamics of shared attention on Twitter during media events YR Lin, B Keegan, D Margolin, D Lazer PloS one 9 (5), e94093, 2014 | 210 | 2014 |
Communication network evolution in organizational communities P Monge, BM Heiss, DB Margolin Communication Theory 18 (4), 449-477, 2008 | 206 | 2008 |
Get back! you don’t know me like that: The social mediation of fact checking interventions in twitter conversations A Hannak, D Margolin, B Keegan, I Weber Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 8 …, 2014 | 129 | 2014 |
# Bigbirds never die: Understanding social dynamics of emergent hashtags YR Lin, D Margolin, B Keegan, A Baronchelli, D Lazer Proceedings of the international aaai conference on web and social media 7 …, 2013 | 118 | 2013 |
Twitter and climate change JR Fownes, C Yu, DB Margolin Sociology Compass 12 (6), e12587, 2018 | 107 | 2018 |
Tackling misinformation: What researchers could do with social media data IV Pasquetto, B Swire-Thompson, MA Amazeen, F Benevenuto, ... The Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, 2020 | 102 | 2020 |
New technologies and international broadcasting: Reflections on adaptations and transformations ME Price, S Haas, D Margolin The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 616 (1 …, 2008 | 102 | 2008 |
The ripple of fear, sympathy and solidarity during the Boston bombings YR Lin, D Margolin EPJ Data Science 3, 1-28, 2014 | 99 | 2014 |
Advancing research in organizational communication through quantitative methodology VD Miller, MS Poole, DR Seibold, KK Myers, HS Park, P Monge, J Fulk, ... Management Communication Quarterly 25 (1), 4-58, 2011 | 98 | 2011 |
Voices of victory: A computational focus group framework for tracking opinion shift in real time YR Lin, D Margolin, B Keegan, D Lazer Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web, 737-748, 2013 | 84 | 2013 |
Tracking and analyzing individual distress following terrorist attacks using social media streams YR Lin, D Margolin, X Wen Risk analysis 37 (8), 1580-1605, 2017 | 53 | 2017 |
Testing strategies to increase source credibility through strategic message design in the context of vaccination and vaccine hesitancy Y Xu, D Margolin, J Niederdeppe Health communication 36 (11), 1354-1367, 2021 | 48 | 2021 |
Research methods for studying evolutionary and ecological processes in organizational communication P Monge, S Lee, J Fulk, M Weber, C Shen, C Schultz, D Margolin, J Gould, ... Management Communication Quarterly 25 (2), 211-251, 2011 | 46 | 2011 |
The signals and noise: actionable information in improvised social media channels during a disaster X He, D Lu, D Margolin, M Wang, SE Idrissi, YR Lin Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on web science conference, 33-42, 2017 | 34 | 2017 |
A multitheoretical approach to big text data: comparing expressive and rhetorical logics in Yelp reviews D Margolin, DM Markowitz Communication Research 45 (5), 688-718, 2018 | 33 | 2018 |
Computational contributions: A symbiotic approach to integrating big, observational data studies into the communication field DB Margolin Communication Methods and Measures 13 (4), 229-247, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |
An attribution relations corpus for political news E Newell, D Margolin, D Ruths Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
A roadmap for computational communication research W van Atteveldt, D Margolin, C Shen, D Trilling, R Weber Computational Communication Research 1 (1), 1-11, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
The emotional antecedents of solidarity in social media crowds D Margolin, W Liao New media & society 20 (10), 3700-3719, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |