Wookjin Choi
Wookjin Choi
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, Thomas Jefferson University
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Cited by
Automated pulmonary nodule detection based on three-dimensional shape-based feature descriptor
WJ Choi, TS Choi
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 113 (1), 37-54, 2014
Genetic programming-based feature transform and classification for the automatic detection of pulmonary nodules on computed tomography images
WJ Choi, TS Choi
Information Sciences 212, 57-78, 2012
Radiomics analysis of pulmonary nodules in low‐dose CT for early detection of lung cancer
W Choi, JH Oh, S Riyahi, CJ Liu, F Jiang, W Chen, C White, A Rimner, ...
Medical physics 45 (4), 1537-1549, 2018
Automated pulmonary nodule detection system in computed tomography images: A hierarchical block classification approach
WJ Choi, TS Choi
Entropy 15 (2), 507-523, 2013
PCA‐based method for 3D shape recovery of microscopic objects from image focus using discrete cosine transform
MT Mahmood, WJ Choi, TS Choi
Microscopy Research and Technique 71 (12), 897-907, 2008
Adaptive region-growing with maximum curvature strategy for tumor segmentation in 18F-FDG PET
S Tan, L Li, W Choi, MK Kang, W D D’Souza, W Lu
Physics in Medicine & Biology 62 (13), 5383, 2017
Quantifying local tumor morphological changes with Jacobian map for prediction of pathologic tumor response to chemo-radiotherapy in locally advanced esophageal cancer
S Riyahi, W Choi, CJ Liu, H Zhong, AJ Wu, JG Mechalakos, W Lu
Physics in Medicine & Biology 63 (14), 145020, 2018
PathCNN: interpretable convolutional neural networks for survival prediction and pathway analysis applied to glioblastoma
JH Oh, W Choi, E Ko, M Kang, A Tannenbaum, JO Deasy
Bioinformatics 37 (Supplement_1), i443-i450, 2021
External validation of radiomics‐based predictive models in low‐dose CT screening for early lung cancer diagnosis
N Garau, C Paganelli, P Summers, W Choi, S Alam, W Lu, C Fanciullo, ...
Medical physics 47 (9), 4125-4136, 2020
Reproducible and interpretable spiculation quantification for lung cancer screening
W Choi, S Nadeem, SR Alam, JO Deasy, A Tannenbaum, W Lu
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 200, 105839, 2021
Quantification of local metabolic tumor volume changes by registering blended PET-CT images for prediction of pathologic tumor response
S Riyahi, W Choi, CJ Liu, S Nadeem, S Tan, H Zhong, W Chen, AJ Wu, ...
Data Driven Treatment Response Assessment and Preterm, Perinatal, and …, 2018
Computer-aided detection of pulmonary nodules using genetic programming
WJ Choi, TS Choi
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 4353-4356, 2010
Individually optimized contrast‐enhanced 4D‐CT for radiotherapy simulation in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
W Choi, M Xue, BF Lane, MK Kang, K Patel, WF Regine, P Klahr, J Wang, ...
Medical physics 43 (10), 5659-5666, 2016
An automated workflow to improve efficiency in radiation therapy treatment planning by prioritizing organs at risk
E Aliotta, H Nourzadeh, W Choi, VGL Alves, JV Siebers
Advances in radiation oncology 5 (6), 1324-1333, 2020
CIRDataset: a large-scale dataset for clinically-interpretable lung nodule Radiomics and malignancy prediction
W Choi, N Dahiya, S Nadeem
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2022
Evaluation of automatic contour propagation in T2‐weighted 4 DMRI for normal‐tissue motion assessment using internal organ‐at‐risk volume (IRV)
J Zhang, S Markova, A Garcia, K Huang, X Nie, W Choi, W Lu, A Wu, ...
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 19 (5), 598-608, 2018
An error detection method for real‐time EPID‐based treatment delivery quality assurance
VGL Alves, M Ahmed, E Aliotta, W Choi, JV Siebers
Medical Physics 48 (2), 569-578, 2021
Prediction of Anal Cancer Recurrence After Chemoradiotherapy Using Quantitative Image Features Extracted From Serial 18F-FDG PET/CT
J Wang, H Zhang, M Chuong, K Latifi, S Tan, W Choi, S Hoffe, R Shridhar, ...
Frontiers in Oncology 9, 934, 2019
Identification of CT texture features robust to tumor size variations for normal lung texture analysis
W Choi, S Riyahi, SJ Kligerman, CJ Liu, JG Mechalakos, W Lu
International journal of medical physics, clinical engineering and radiation …, 2018
SU‐F‐R‐04: radiomics for survival prediction in glioblastoma (GBM)
H Zhang, J Molitoris, S Tan, I Giacomelli, D Scartoni, C Gzell, N Bhooshan, ...
Medical Physics 43 (6Part6), 3373-3373, 2016
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Articles 1–20