Päivikki Jääskelä
Päivikki Jääskelä
Senior researcher, Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä
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Teacher beliefs regarding learning, pedagogy, and the use of technology in higher education
P Jääskelä, P Häkkinen, H Rasku-Puttonen
Journal of Research on Technology in Education 49 (3-4), 198-211, 2017
Assessing agency of university students: validation of the AUS Scale
P Jääskelä, AM Poikkeus, K Vasalampi, UM Valleala, H Rasku-Puttonen
Studies in higher education 42 (11), 2061-2079, 2017
Models for the development of generic skills in Finnish higher education
P Jääskelä, S Nykänen, P Tynjälä
Journal of further and higher education 42 (1), 130-142, 2018
Student agency analytics: Learning analytics as a tool for analysing student agency in higher education
P Jääskelä, V Heilala, T Kärkkäinen, P Häkkinen
Behaviour & Information Technology 40 (8), 790-808, 2021
Supporting and constraining factors in the development of university teaching experienced by teachers
P Jääskelä, P Häkkinen, H Rasku-Puttonen
Teaching in higher education 22 (6), 655-671, 2017
Students’ agency profiles in relation to student-perceived teaching practices in university courses
P Jääskelä, AM Poikkeus, P Häkkinen, K Vasalampi, H Rasku-Puttonen, ...
International journal of educational research 103, 101604, 2020
Seamless learning environments in higher education with mobile devices and examples
VI Marín, P Jääskelä, P Häkkinen, M Juntunen, H Rasku-Puttonen, ...
Blended Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 181-200, 2017
University teachers as developers of technology-enhanced teaching—do beliefs matter?
K Heinonen, P Jääskelä, P Häkkinen, H Isomäki, R Hämäläinen
Journal of Research on Technology in Education 51 (2), 135-151, 2019
University-wide, top-down curriculum reform at a Finnish university: perceptions of the academic staff
S Honkimäki, P Jääskelä, J Kratochvil, P Tynjälä
European Journal of Higher Education 12 (2), 153-170, 2022
University as a workplace: searching for meaningful work
E Riivari, V Malin, P Jääskelä, T Lukkari
Teaching in Higher Education 25 (3), 286-304, 2020
Explainable student agency analytics
M Saarela, V Heilala, P Jääskelä, A Rantakaulio, T Kärkkäinen
IEEE Access 9, 137444-137459, 2021
Identifying themes for research-based development of pedagogy and guidance in higher education
P Jääskelä, P Nissilä
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 59 (1), 24-41, 2015
Factors constraining teachers’ wellbeing and agency in a Finnish university: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
T Mäkelä, P Sikström, P Jääskelä, S Korkala, J Kotkajuuri, S Kaski, ...
Education Sciences 12 (10), 722, 2022
Yhdessä parempaa pedagogiikkaa: interaktiivisuus opetuksessa ja oppimisessa
P Jääskelä, U Klemola, MK Lerkkanen, AM Poikkeus, H Rasku-Puttonen, ...
Jyväskylän yliopisto, Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos, 2016
Interaktiivisuudella sydämen paloa oppimiseen ja opetukseen: yliopisto-opetuksen kehittämisen tuloksia
P Jääskelä, U Klemola, UM Valleala
Teoksessa Eteläpelto, A., Jääskelä, P., Klemola, U., Lerkkanen, M., Poikkeus …, 2013
The Finnish version of the affinity for technology interaction (ATI) scale: psychometric properties and an examination of gender differences
V Heilala, R Kelly, M Saarela, P Jääskelä, T Kärkkäinen
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (4), 874-892, 2023
Understanding the study experiences of students in low agency profile: Towards a smart education approach
V Heilala, P Jääskelä, T Kärkkäinen, M Saarela
International conference on smart Information & communication Technologies …, 2019
Course satisfaction in engineering education through the lens of student agency analytics
V Heilala, M Saarela, P Jääskelä, T Kärkkäinen
2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-9, 2020
Tuutorointi avoimen yliopiston opetuksessa: tuutoroinnin kehittämistä koskeva toimintatutkimus
P Jääskelä
Chydenius-instituutin tutkimuksia, 2005
How does university teachers’ pedagogical training meet topical challenges raised by educational research? A case study from Finland
K Kärkkäinen, P Jääskelä, P Tynjälä
Teaching and Teacher Education 128, 104088, 2023
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