James R Hinman
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Cited by
Egocentric boundary vector tuning of the retrosplenial cortex
AS Alexander, LC Carstensen, JR Hinman, F Raudies, GW Chapman, ...
Science Advances 6 (8), eaaz2322, 2020
Multiple Running Speed Signals in Medial Entorhinal Cortex
JR Hinman, MP Brandon, JR Climer, GW Chapman, ME Hasselmo
Neuron 91 (3), 666-679, 2016
Septotemporal variation in dynamics of theta: speed and habituation
JR Hinman, SC Penley, LL Long, MA Escabí, JJ Chrobak
Journal of Neurophysiology 105 (6), 2675, 2011
Neuronal representation of environmental boundaries in egocentric coordinates
JR Hinman, GW Chapman, ME Hasselmo
Nature Communications 10 (1), 2772, 2019
Dissociation between dorsal and ventral hippocampal theta oscillations during decision-making
B Schmidt, JR Hinman, TK Jacobson, E Szkudlarek, M Argraves, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (14), 6212-6224, 2013
Revealing past memories: proactive interference and ketamine-induced memory deficits
JJ Chrobak, JR Hinman, HR Sabolek
The Journal of Neuroscience 28 (17), 4512-4520, 2008
Theta and gamma coherence along the septotemporal axis of the hippocampus
HR Sabolek, SC Penley, JR Hinman, JG Bunce, EJ Markus, M Escabi, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 101 (3), 1192, 2009
Novel space alters theta and gamma synchrony across the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus
SC Penley, JR Hinman, LL Long, EJ Markus, MA Escabí, JJ Chrobak
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 7, 2013
Hippocampal theta, gamma, and theta-gamma coupling: effects of aging, environmental change, and cholinergic activation
TK Jacobson, MD Howe, B Schmidt, JR Hinman, MA Escabí, EJ Markus
Journal of neurophysiology 109 (7), 1852-1865, 2013
Pharmacological and physiological characterization of the tremulous jaw movement model of parkinsonian tremor: Potential insights into the pathophysiology of tremor
LE Collins-Praino, NE Paul, KL Rychalsky, JR Hinman, JJ Chrobak, ...
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 5, 2011
Neural mechanisms of navigation involving interactions of cortical and subcortical structures
JR Hinman, H Dannenberg, AS Alexander, ME Hasselmo
Journal of neurophysiology 119 (6), 2007-2029, 2018
Theta Dynamics in Rat: Speed and Acceleration across the Septotemporal Axis
LL Long, JR Hinman, CM Chen, MA Escabi, JJ Chrobak
PLOS ONE 9 (5), e97987, 2014
Persistent spatial working memory deficits in rats following in utero RNAi of Dyx1c1
CE Szalkowski, JR Hinman, SW Threlkeld, Y Wang, A LePack, GD Rosen, ...
Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2010
Oral tremor induced by the muscarinic agonist pilocarpine is suppressed by the adenosine A2A antagonists MSX-3 and SCH58261, but not the adenosine A1 antagonist DPCPX
LE Collins, DJ Galtieri, LT Brennum, TN Sager, J Hockemeyer, CE Müller, ...
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 94 (4), 561-569, 2010
Theta and gamma coherence across the septotemporal axis during distinct behavioral states
SC Penley, JR Hinman, HR Sabolek, MA Escabí, EJ Markus, JJ Chrobak
Hippocampus, 2011
Ketamine disrupts theta synchrony across the septotemporal axis of the CA1 region of hippocampus
JR Hinman, SC Penley, MA Escabí, JJ Chrobak
Journal of Neurophysiology 109 (2), 570-579, 2013
Modelling effects on grid cells of sensory input during self‐motion
F Raudies, JR Hinman, ME Hasselmo
The Journal of physiology 594 (22), 6513-6526, 2016
Models of spatial and temporal dimensions of memory
ME Hasselmo, JR Hinman, H Dannenberg, CE Stern
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 17, 27-33, 2017
Potential roles of cholinergic modulation in the neural coding of location and movement speed
H Dannenberg, JR Hinman, ME Hasselmo
Journal of Physiology-Paris 110 (1-2), 52-64, 2016
Age‐related decrease in theta and gamma coherence across dorsal ca1 pyramidale and radiatum layers
TK Jacobson, B Schmidt, JR Hinman, MA Escabí, EJ Markus
Hippocampus 25 (11), 1327-1335, 2015
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Articles 1–20