Jacques Resing
Cited by
Cited by
Queueing theory
I Adan, J Resing
Eindhoven University of Technology 180, 2002
Polling systems and multitype branching processes
JAC Resing
Queueing Systems 13, 409-426, 1993
Queueing systems: Lecture notes
I Adan, JAC Resing
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2017
Robot-storage zone assignment strategies in mobile fulfillment systems
D Roy, S Nigam, R de Koster, I Adan, J Resing
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 122, 119-142, 2019
Fitting discrete distributions on the first two moments
I Adan, M van Eenige, J Resing
Probability in the engineering and informational sciences 9 (4), 623-632, 1995
Queueing models with multiple waiting lines
IJBF Adan, OJ Boxma, JAC Resing
Queueing Systems 37, 65-98, 2001
Discrete event systems with stochastic processing times
GJ Olsder, JAC Resing, RE De Vries, MS Keane, G Hooghiemstra
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 214-219, 1988
Simple analysis of a fluid queue driven by an M/M/1 queue
I Adan, J Resing
Queueing Systems 22, 171-174, 1996
A tandem queueing model with coupled processors
J Resing, L Örmeci
Operations Research Letters 31 (5), 383-389, 2003
The tax identity in risk theory—a simple proof and an extension
H Albrecher, S Borst, O Boxma, J Resing
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 44 (2), 304-306, 2009
A tandem queue with coupled processors: computational issues
JSH Van Leeuwaarden, JAC Resing
Queueing Systems 51, 29-52, 2005
Asymptotic behavior of random discrete event systems
JAC Resing, RE De Vries, G Hooghiemstra, MS Keane, GJ Olsder
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 36 (2), 195-216, 1990
Linear birth/immigration-death process with binomial catastrophes
S Kapodistria, T Phung-Duc, J Resing
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 30 (1), 79-111, 2016
Scaling low-latency optical packet switches to a thousand ports
S Di Lucente, N Calabretta, JAC Resing, HJS Dorren
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 4 (9), A17-A28, 2012
Analysis of a single-server queue interacting with a fluid reservoir
IJBF Adan, EA van Doorn, JAC Resing, WRW Scheinhardt
Queueing Systems 29, 313-336, 1998
Capacity analysis of sequential zone picking systems
JP Van Der Gaast, RBM De Koster, IJBF Adan, JAC Resing
Operations Research 68 (1), 161-179, 2020
Analysis and optimization of vacation and polling models with retrials
MA Abidini, O Boxma, J Resing
Performance Evaluation 98, 52-69, 2016
Lévy processes with adaptable exponent
R Bekker, OJ Boxma, JAC Resing
Advances in Applied Probability 41 (1), 177-205, 2009
A finite-source feedback queueing network as a model for the IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function
EMM Winands, TJJ Denteneer, JAC Resing, R Rietman
Proceedings of European wireless 4, 2004
Queues and risk models with simultaneous arrivals
ES Badila, OJ Boxma, JAC Resing, EMM Winands
Advances in Applied Probability 46 (3), 812-831, 2014
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Articles 1–20