Joshua N. Adkins
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Toward a human blood serum proteome: analysis by multidimensional separation coupled with mass spectrometry
JN Adkins, SM Varnum, KJ Auberry, RJ Moore, NH Angell, RD Smith, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 1 (12), 947-955, 2002
The human plasma proteome: a nonredundant list developed by combination of four separate sources
NL Anderson, M Polanski, R Pieper, T Gatlin, RS Tirumalai, TP Conrads, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 3 (4), 311-326, 2004
Overview of the HUPO Plasma Proteome Project: results from the pilot phase with 35 collaborating laboratories and multiple analytical groups, generating a core dataset of 3020 …
GS Omenn, DJ States, M Adamski, TW Blackwell, R Menon, H Hermjakob, ...
Proteomics 5 (13), 3226-3245, 2005
Omic data from evolved E. coli are consistent with computed optimal growth from genome‐scale models
NE Lewis, KK Hixson, TM Conrad, JA Lerman, P Charusanti, AD Polpitiya, ...
Molecular systems biology 6 (1), 390, 2010
Activated ClpP kills persisters and eradicates a chronic biofilm infection
BP Conlon, ES Nakayasu, LE Fleck, MD LaFleur, VM Isabella, K Coleman, ...
Nature 503 (7476), 365-370, 2013
Persister formation in Staphylococcus aureus is associated with ATP depletion
BP Conlon, SE Rowe, AB Gandt, AS Nuxoll, NP Donegan, EA Zalis, ...
Nature microbiology 1 (5), 1-7, 2016
Normalization approaches for removing systematic biases associated with mass spectrometry and label-free proteomics
SJ Callister, RC Barry, JN Adkins, ET Johnson, W Qian, ...
Journal of proteome research 5 (2), 277-286, 2006
DAnTE: a statistical tool for quantitative analysis of-omics data
AD Polpitiya, WJ Qian, N Jaitly, VA Petyuk, JN Adkins, DG Camp, ...
Bioinformatics 24 (13), 1556-1558, 2008
An evaluation, comparison, and accurate benchmarking of several publicly available MS/MS search algorithms: sensitivity and specificity analysis
EA Kapp, F Schütz, LM Connolly, JA Chakel, JE Meza, CA Miller, D Fenyo, ...
Proteomics 5 (13), 3475-3490, 2005
Utilizing human blood plasma for proteomic biomarker discovery
JM Jacobs, JN Adkins, WJ Qian, T Liu, Y Shen, DG Camp, RD Smith
Journal of proteome research 4 (4), 1073-1085, 2005
In silico method for modelling metabolism and gene product expression at genome scale
JA Lerman, DR Hyduke, H Latif, VA Portnoy, NE Lewis, JD Orth, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 929, 2012
Distance restraints from crosslinking mass spectrometry: mining a molecular dynamics simulation database to evaluate lysine–lysine distances
ED Merkley, S Rysavy, A Kahraman, RP Hafen, V Daggett, JN Adkins
Protein science 23 (6), 747-759, 2014
Decon2LS: An open-source software package for automated processing and visualization of high resolution mass spectrometry data
N Jaitly, A Mayampurath, K Littlefield, JN Adkins, GA Anderson, RD Smith
BMC bioinformatics 10, 1-15, 2009
Whole proteome analysis of post-translational modifications: applications of mass-spectrometry for proteogenomic annotation
N Gupta, S Tanner, N Jaitly, JN Adkins, M Lipton, R Edwards, M Romine, ...
Genome research 17 (9), 1362-1377, 2007
VIPER: an advanced software package to support high-throughput LC-MS peptide identification
ME Monroe, N Tolić, N Jaitly, JL Shaw, JN Adkins, RD Smith
Bioinformatics 23 (15), 2021-2023, 2007
Molecular transducers of physical activity consortium (MoTrPAC): mapping the dynamic responses to exercise
JA Sanford, CD Nogiec, ME Lindholm, JN Adkins, D Amar, S Dasari, ...
Cell 181 (7), 1464-1474, 2020
Improved peptide elution time prediction for reversed-phase liquid chromatography-MS by incorporating peptide sequence information
K Petritis, LJ Kangas, B Yan, ME Monroe, EF Strittmatter, WJ Qian, ...
Analytical chemistry 78 (14), 5026-5039, 2006
Comprehensive computational design of ordered peptide macrocycles
P Hosseinzadeh, G Bhardwaj, VK Mulligan, MD Shortridge, TW Craven, ...
Science 358 (6369), 1461-1466, 2017
A statistical framework for protein quantitation in bottom-up MS-based proteomics
Y Karpievitch, J Stanley, T Taverner, J Huang, JN Adkins, C Ansong, ...
Bioinformatics 25 (16), 2028-2034, 2009
MASIC: a software program for fast quantitation and flexible visualization of chromatographic profiles from detected LC–MS (/MS) features
ME Monroe, JL Shaw, DS Daly, JN Adkins, RD Smith
Computational biology and chemistry 32 (3), 215-217, 2008
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Articles 1–20