John D. Hansen
John D. Hansen
Professor of Marketing, UAB Collat School of Business
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A meta-analysis of the relationship between perceived organizational support and job outcomes: 20 years of research
RJ Riggle, DR Edmondson, JD Hansen
Journal of business research 62 (10), 1027-1030, 2009
Cross-national invariance of the entrepreneurial orientation scale
JD Hansen, GD Deitz, M Tokman, LD Marino, KM Weaver
Journal of Business Venturing 26 (1), 61-78, 2011
Bridging the Divide between Logistics and Marketing: Facilitating Collaborative Behavior
AE Ellinger, SB Keller, JD Hansen
Journal of Business Logistics 27 (2), 1-27, 2006
Cross-cultural examination of online shopping behavior: A comparison of Norway, Germany, and the United States
R Smith, G Deitz, MB Royne, JD Hansen, M Grünhagen, C Witte
Journal of Business Research 66 (3), 328-335, 2013
Ethical salesperson behavior in sales relationships
JD Hansen, RJ Riggle
Journal of personal selling & sales management 29 (2), 151-166, 2009
The mediating effects of customers’ intimacy perceptions on the trust-commitment relationship
N Ponder, B Bugg Holloway, JD Hansen
Journal of Services Marketing 30 (1), 75-87, 2016
Cultural intelligence in cross-cultural selling: Propositions and directions for future research
JD Hansen, T Singh, DC Weilbaker, R Guesalaga
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 31 (3), 243-254, 2011
Firm size, web site content, and financial performance in the transportation industry
AE Ellinger, DF Lynch, JD Hansen
Industrial Marketing Management 32 (3), 177-185, 2003
Antecedents and consequences of consumers' comparative value assessments across the relationship life cycle
JD Hansen, LS Beitelspacher, GD Deitz
Journal of Business Research 66 (4), 473-479, 2013
Sponsorship and shareholder value: A re-examination and extension
GD Deitz, RD Evans Jr, JD Hansen
Journal of Business Research 66 (9), 1427-1435, 2013
Taxonomy of service‐based loyalty program members
JD Hansen, GD Deitz, RM Morgan
Journal of services Marketing 24 (4), 271-282, 2010
Coerced integration: The effects of retailer supply chain technology mandates on supplier stock returns
G Deitz, J Hansen, R Glenn Richey Jr
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 39 (10 …, 2009
The benefits of sales force automation (SFA): an empirical examination of SFA usage on relationship quality and performance
BB Holloway, GD Deitz, JD Hansen
Journal of Relationship Marketing 12 (4), 223-242, 2013
Exploring consumer privacy concerns and RFID technology: The impact of fear appeals on consumer behaviors
LS Beitelspacher, JD Hansen, AC Johnston, GD Deitz
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 20 (2), 147-160, 2012
Matsushita realigns its supply chain in China
B Jiang, JD Hansen
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 8 (3), 185-189, 2003
Stakeholder relationship management in multi-sector innovations
JD Hansen, MD Bunn
Journal of Relationship Marketing 8 (3), 196-217, 2009
The effects of communication mode in relationship selling
JD Hansen, RJ Riggle
Journal of Selling and Major Account Management 8 (1), 8-23, 2008
Measuring Cross-National Invariance of the Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale
J Hansen, G Dietz, L Marino, P Kreiser, KM Weaver
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 29 (22), 3, 2009
Taxonomy of hotel loyalty program members: examining differences in service quality perceptions
G Deitz, JD Hansen
Handbook on Research in Relationship Marketing, 193-213, 2015
The Effects of Relationship Role on Buyers' Responses to Relationship Failures and Recovery Efforts
JD Hansen, DJ Lund, TE DeCarlo, LK Scheer
Research Reports 1, 2012
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Articles 1–20