Flavio C. Cruz
Flavio C. Cruz
Professor of Physics, Campinas State University (UNICAMP)
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Visible lasers with subhertz linewidths
BC Young, FC Cruz, WM Itano, JC Bergquist
Physical Review Letters 82 (19), 3799, 1999
Molecular fingerprinting with bright, broadband infrared frequency combs
H Timmers, A Kowligy, A Lind, FC Cruz, N Nader, M Silfies, G Ycas, ...
Optica 5 (6), 727-732, 2018
Mid-infrared optical frequency combs based on difference frequency generation for molecular spectroscopy
FC Cruz, DL Maser, T Johnson, G Ycas, A Klose, FR Giorgetta, ...
Optics express 23 (20), 26814-26824, 2015
Infrared electric field sampled frequency comb spectroscopy
AS Kowligy, H Timmers, AJ Lind, U Elu, FC Cruz, PG Schunemann, ...
Science advances 5 (6), eaaw8794, 2019
High Resolution Atomic Coherent Control via Spectral Phase Manipulation<? format?> of an Optical Frequency Comb
MC Stowe, FC Cruz, A Marian, J Ye
Physical review letters 96 (15), 153001, 2006
CW second harmonic generation with elliptical Gaussian beams
A Steinbach, M Rauner, FC Cruz, JC Bergquist
Optics communications 123 (1-3), 207-214, 1996
Optical frequency combs generated by fourwave mixing in optical fibers for astrophysical spectrometer calibration and metrology
FC Cruz
Optics express 16 (17), 13267-13275, 2008
Mid-Infrared Frequency Comb Generation and Spectroscopy with Few-Cycle Pulses and Nonlinear Optics
AJ Lind, A Kowligy, H Timmers, FC Cruz, N Nader, MC Silfies, TK Allison, ...
Physical review letters 124 (13), 133904, 2020
Versatile silicon-waveguide supercontinuum for coherent mid-infrared spectroscopy
N Nader, DL Maser, FC Cruz, A Kowligy, H Timmers, J Chiles, C Fredrick, ...
Apl Photonics 3 (3), 2018
Mid-infrared frequency comb generation via cascaded quadratic nonlinearities in quasi-phase-matched waveguides
AS Kowligy, A Lind, DD Hickstein, DR Carlson, H Timmers, N Nader, ...
Optics letters 43 (8), 1678-1681, 2018
Sum-frequency generation of continuous-wave light at 194 nm
DJ Berkeland, FC Cruz, JC Bergquist
Applied optics 36 (18), 4159-4162, 1997
Infrared frequency comb generation and spectroscopy with suspended silicon nanophotonic waveguides
N Nader, A Kowligy, J Chiles, EJ Stanton, H Timmers, AJ Lind, FC Cruz, ...
Optica 6 (10), 1269-1276, 2019
The infrared absorption spectra and normal coordinate analysis of 13CH3OH, 13CD3OH, and 13CD3OD
FC Cruz, A Scalabrin, D Pereira, PAM Vazquez, Y Hase, F Strumia
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 156 (1), 22-38, 1992
Two-photon Doppler cooling of alkaline-earth-metal and ytterbium atoms
WC Magno, RL Cavasso Filho, FC Cruz
Physical Review A 67 (4), 043407, 2003
External power-enhancement cavity versus intracavity frequency doubling of Ti: sapphire lasers using BIBO
LS Cruz, FC Cruz
Optics express 15 (19), 11913-11921, 2007
Two-photon cooling of magnesium atoms
N Malossi, S Damkjær, PL Hansen, LB Jacobsen, L Kindt, S Sauge, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (5), 051403, 2005
Coherent frequency combs for spectroscopy across the 3–5 µm region
DL Maser, G Ycas, WI Depetri, FC Cruz, SA Diddams
Applied Physics B 123, 1-9, 2017
Tapered semiconductor amplifiers for optical frequency combs in the near infrared
FC Cruz, MC Stowe, J Ye
Optics letters 31 (9), 1337-1339, 2006
Rapid, broadband spectroscopic temperature measurement of using VIPA spectroscopy
A Klose, G Ycas, FC Cruz, DL Maser, SA Diddams
Applied Physics B 122, 1-8, 2016
Grating-tuned semiconductor MOPA lasers for precision spectroscopy
JH Marquardt, FC Cruz, M Stephens, CW Oates, LW Hollberg, ...
Application of Tunable Diode and Other Infrared Sources for Atmospheric …, 1996
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Articles 1–20