marco frego
Cited by
Cited by
G1 fitting with clothoids
E Bertolazzi, M Frego
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 38 (5), 881-897, 2015
On the G2 Hermite interpolation problem with clothoids
E Bertolazzi, M Frego
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 341, 99-116, 2018
Path planning maximising human comfort for assistive robots
P Bevilacqua, M Frego, E Bertolazzi, D Fontanelli, L Palopoli, F Biral
2016 IEEE conference on control applications (CCA), 1421-1427, 2016
Reactive planning for assistive robots
P Bevilacqua, M Frego, D Fontanelli, L Palopoli
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (2), 1276-1283, 2018
Semi-analytical minimum time solutions with velocity constraints for trajectory following of vehicles
M Frego, E Bertolazzi, F Biral, D Fontanelli, L Palopoli
Automatica 86, 18-28, 2017
Interpolating clothoid splines with curvature continuity
E Bertolazzi, M Frego
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 41 (4), 1723-1737, 2018
Semi-analytical minimum time solutions for a vehicle following clothoid-based trajectory subject to velocity constraints
M Frego, E Bertolazzi, F Biral, D Fontanelli, L Palopoli
2016 European control conference (ECC), 2221-2227, 2016
Semianalytical minimum-time solution for the optimal control of a vehicle subject to limited acceleration
E Bertolazzi, M Frego
Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2017
Point data reconstruction and smoothing using cubic splines and clusterization
E Bertolazzi, M Frego, F Biral
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 176, 36-56, 2020
Trajectory planning for car-like vehicles: A modular approach
M Frego, P Bevilacqua, E Bertolazzi, F Biral, D Fontanelli, L Palopoli
2016 IEEE 55th conference on decision and control (CDC), 203-209, 2016
Efficient re-planning for robotic cars
E Bertolazzi, P Bevilacqua, F Biral, D Fontanelli, M Frego, L Palopoli
2018 European control conference (ECC), 1068-1073, 2018
A Note on Robust Biarc Computation
E Bertolazzi, M Frego
Computer-Aided Design & Applications 16 (5), 822-835, 2019
Clothoids: a C++ library with Matlab interface for the handling of clothoid curves
E Bertolazzi, P Bevilacqua, M Frego
Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino 76 (2), 47-56, 2018
Numerical methods for optimal control problems with application to autonomous vehicles
M Frego
Università degli studi di Trento, 2014
Minimum time—Minimum jerk optimal traffic management for AGVs
M Frego, P Bevilacqua, S Divan, F Zenatti, L Palopoli, F Biral, D Fontanelli
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (4), 5307-5314, 2020
An iterative dynamic programming approach to the multipoint markov-dubins problem
M Frego, P Bevilacqua, E Saccon, L Palopoli, D Fontanelli
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (2), 2483-2490, 2020
Efficient intersection between splines of clothoids
E Bertolazzi, P Bevilacqua, M Frego
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 176, 57-72, 2020
Model Predictive Control-Based Reinforcement Learning Using Expected Sarsa
H Moradimaryamnegari, M Frego, A Peer
IEEE Access 10, 81177-81191, 2022
A novel formalisation of the Markov-Dubins problem
P Bevilacqua, M Frego, D Fontanelli, L Palopoli
2020 European Control Conference (ECC), 1987-1992, 2020
Activity planning for assistive robots using chance-constrained stochastic programming
P Bevilacqua, M Frego, L Palopoli, D Fontanelli
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (6), 3950-3961, 2020
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Articles 1–20