umer khan
umer khan
Assistant Professor,Department of Mechatronics Engineering
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Cited by
Real-time machine-learning based crop/weed detection and classification for variable-rate spraying in precision agriculture
M Alam, MS Alam, M Roman, M Tufail, MU Khan, MT Khan
2020 7th international conference on electrical and electronics engineering …, 2020
fNIRS-based Neurorobotic Interface for gait rehabilitation
RA Khan, N Naseer, NK Qureshi, FM Noori, H Nazeer, MU Khan
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 15, 1-17, 2018
Mobile robot path planning in static environments using particle swarm optimization
MS Alam, MU Rafique, MU Khan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.10000, 2020
CPS oriented control design for networked surveillance robots with multiple physical constraints
MU Khan, S Li, Q Wang, Z Shao
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2016
A Computationally Efficient Method for Hybrid EEG‐fNIRS BCI Based on the Pearson Correlation
MAH Hasan, MU Khan, D Mishra
BioMed Research International 2020 (1), 1838140, 2020
An adaptive trajectory tracking control of four rotor hover vehicle using extended normalized radial basis function network
R ul Amin, L Aijun, MU Khan, S Shamshirband, A Kamsin
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 83, 53-74, 2017
Formation Control and Tracking for Co-operative Robots with Non-holonomic Constraints: Categories (2),(3)
MU Khan, S Li, Q Wang, Z Shao
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 82, 163-174, 2016
TobSet: A new tobacco crop and weeds image dataset and its utilization for vision-based spraying by agricultural robots
MS Alam, M Alam, M Tufail, MU Khan, A Güneş, B Salah, FE Nasir, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (3), 1308, 2022
Deep learning-based computer-aided diagnosis (cad): applications for medical image datasets
YA Kadhim, MU Khan, A Mishra
Sensors 22 (22), 8999, 2022
Distributed multirobot formation and tracking control in cluttered environments
MU Khan, S Li, Q Wang, Z Shao
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) 11 (2), 1-22, 2016
Hybrid EEG-fNIRS BCI fusion using multi-resolution singular value decomposition (MSVD)
MU Khan, MAH Hasan
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, 599802, 2020
Mobile robot navigation using reinforcement learning in unknown environments
MU Khan
Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 7 (3), 235-244, 2019
Neural & bio-inspired processing and robot control
AH Khan, S Li, X Zhou, Y Li, MU Khan, X Luo, H Wang
Frontiers in neurorobotics 12, 72, 2018
Uncalibrated eye‐in‐hand visual servoing: an LMI approach
U Khan, I Jan, N Iqbal, J Dai
Industrial Robot: An International Journal 38 (2), 130-138, 2011
Escaping local minima in path planning using a robust bacterial foraging algorithm
MII Abdi, MU Khan, A Güneş, D Mishra
Applied Sciences 10 (21), 7905, 2020
Attitude control of quad-copter using deterministic policy gradient algorithms (DPGA)
UH Ghouri, MU Zafar, S Bari, H Khan, MU Khan
2019 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital …, 2019
Biomechanical design and control of lower limb exoskeleton for sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit movements
MH Qureshi, Z Masood, L Rehman, M Owais, MU Khan
2018 14th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded …, 2018
Two‐Controller Anti‐Windup Design for Enlarging Domain of Stability of Actuator Constrained State‐Delay Systems
A Ahmed, MU Khan, M Rehan, N Iqbal
Asian Journal of Control 15 (6), 1821-1832, 2013
Combined application of kalman filtering and correlation towards autonomous helicopter landing
IU Jan, MU Khan, N Iqbal
2009 2nd international conference on computer, control and communication, 1-6, 2009
Uncalibrated visual servo control with multi-constraint satisfaction
MU Khan, I Jan, A Ahmed, MA Azad, N Iqbal
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 6318-6323, 2011
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Articles 1–20