Dr. Muhammad Naeem
Dr. Muhammad Naeem
Women University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Bagh, AJK
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Cited by
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy methods and applications: A comprehensive review
SKH Shah, J Iqbal, P Ahmad, MU Khandaker, S Haq, M Naeem
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 170, 108666, 2020
Enhanced surface properties of aluminum by PVD-TiN coating combined with cathodic cage plasma nitriding
MI Bashir, M Shafiq, M Naeem, M Zaka-ul-Islam, JC Díaz-Guillén, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 327, 59-65, 2017
Surface modification of M2 steel by combination of cathodic cage plasma deposition and magnetron sputtered MoS2-TiN multilayer coatings
MS Libório, GB Praxedes, LLF Lima, IG Nascimento, RRM Sousa, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 384, 125327, 2020
Effect of cathodic cage size on plasma nitriding of AISI 304 steel
M Naeem, M Shafiq, M Zaka-ul-Islam, N Nawaz, JC Díaz-Guillén, ...
Materials Letters 181, 78-81, 2016
Enhanced surface properties of plain carbon steel using plasma nitriding with austenitic steel cathodic cage
M Naeem, M Shafiq, M Zaka-ul-Islam, A Ashiq, JC Díaz-Guillén, ...
Materials & Design 108, 745-753, 2016
Novel duplex cathodic cage plasma nitriding of non-alloyed steel using aluminum and austenite steel cathodic cages
M Naeem, M Shafiq, M Zaka-ul-Islam, MI Bashir, JC Díaz-Guillén, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 721, 307-311, 2017
Enhanced wear and corrosion resistance of AISI-304 steel by duplex cathodic cage plasma treatment
M Naeem, J Iqbal, M Zakaullah, M Shafiq, ZI Mujahid, JC Díaz-Guillén, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 375, 34-45, 2019
Influence of pulsed power supply parameters on active screen plasma nitriding
M Naeem, M Waqas, I Jan, M Zaka-ul-Islam, JC Díaz-Guillén, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 300, 67-77, 2016
Duplex plasma treatment of AISI D2 tool steel by combining plasma nitriding (with and without white layer) and post-oxidation
JC Díaz-Guillén, M Naeem, HM Hdz-García, JL Acevedo-Davila, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 385, 125420, 2020
Wear and corrosion studies of duplex surface-treated AISI-304 steel by a combination of cathodic cage plasma nitriding and PVD-TiN coating
M Naeem, S Awan, M Shafiq, HA Raza, J Iqbal, JC Díaz-Guillén, ...
Ceramics International 48 (15), 21473-21482, 2022
The effect of argon admixing on nitriding of plain carbon steel in N2 and N2-H2 plasma
M Naeem, J Iqbal, M Abrar, KH Khan, JC Díaz-Guillén, CM Lopez-Badillo, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 350, 48-56, 2018
Surface modification of tool steel by cathodic cage TiN deposition
MGC Barbosa, BC Viana, FEP Santos, F Fernandes, MC Feitor, ...
Surface engineering 37 (3), 334-342, 2021
Design, manufacturing and plasma nitriding of AISI-M2 steel forming tool and its performance analysis
AGF Araújo, M Naeem, LNM Araújo, THC Costa, KH Khan, ...
journal of materials research and technology 9 (6), 14517-14527, 2020
Cathodic cage plasma pre-treatment of TiN-coated AISI-304 stainless steel for enhancement of mechanical strength and wear resistance
HA Raza, M Shafiq, M Naeem, MY Naz, JC Díaz-Guillén, ...
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 28, 20-32, 2019
Improved mechanical properties, wear and corrosion resistance of 316L steel by homogeneous chromium nitride layer synthesis using plasma nitriding
JC Díaz-Guillén, M Naeem, JL Acevedo-Davila, HM Hdz-Garcia, J Iqbal, ...
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 29, 877-889, 2020
Synthesis of molybdenum oxide on AISI-316 steel using cathodic cage plasma deposition at cathodic and floating potential
M Naeem, VC Fortaleza, PLC Serra, CL Lima, THC Costa, RRM Sousa, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 406, 126650, 2021
Influence of cathodic cage diameter on mechanical properties of plasma nitrided AISI 304 steel
M Naeem, M Zaka-ul-Islam, M Shafiq, MI Bashir, JC Díaz-Guillén, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 309, 738-748, 2017
Combined plasma treatment of AISI-1045 steel by hastelloy deposition and plasma nitriding
M Naeem, AVR Torres, PLC Serra, RM Monção, CAA Junior, LS Rossino, ...
Journal of Building Engineering 47, 103882, 2022
Improved surface properties of AISI-304 by novel duplex cathodic cage plasma nitriding
M Naeem, M Shafiq, M Zaka-ul-Islam, JC Díaz-Guillén, CM Lopez-Badillo, ...
Materials Letters 189, 213-216, 2017
Improved wear resistance of AISI-1045 steel by hybrid treatment of plasma nitriding and post-oxidation
M Naeem, JC Díaz-Guillén, A Khalid, I Guzmán-Flores, R Muñoz-Arroyo, ...
Tribology International 175, 107869, 2022
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Articles 1–20